Judy Middleton 2002 (revised 2023)
copyright © J.Middleton
This beautiful memorial marks the resting place of Walter
Albert Beresford who died in the 1930s. |
More Burial Space Needed
In 1860 an extended portion of the churchyard surrounding St Andrew’s Old Church was consecrated.
But Hove Commissioners soon realised that with Hove’s
growing population an additional burial ground would have to be found. The
favoured spot was 25 acres in Aldrington south of what later came to be called
Old Shoreham Road. The deal was supposedly struck in 1878 but then a legal
hitch became apparent. In September 1879 it was stated that the Dyke Railway Company possessed certain powers over the land and that had to be sorted out
before the purchase could be completed. Events moved fast in those days and by
the following month the rights issue had been resolved and an agreement with
the owners of the Aldrington Estate had been reached. The land was sold for
£350 an acre and the final total was £8,750.
While negotiations were in progress, the
Hardwick family of
Hangleton continued to farm the land. Accounts for October 1880 show that £70
was paid to the executors of the late Alfred Hardwick for clearing and
cultivating the land.
copyright © J.Middleton
E.B. Ellice Clark designed the chapels. |
On 24 April 1880 the Bishop of Chichester wrote that he
approved of the design for the cemetery chapel subject to a few alterations. In
fact there are two chapels – the south chapel was consecrated but the north
chapel was not. But the chapels both had the same dimensions; they were 36 feet
in length, clear of the apse, and eighteen feet wide. Internally, they were
built with specially designed Chelmsford bricks while the exterior walls were
made of hill flints set in cement. A special feature were cavity walls designed
to overcome the exposed nature of the site.
copyright © J.Middleton
One cannot miss a tall feature like the Brounlie
The Brounlie Monument is a striking feature. It could also serve as a
symbolic reminder of the price paid for developing British interests
abroad because these Brounlies met their deaths in far-flung places.
John Brounlie was working as an
engineer to the China Railway when he died at Shanghai on 22 July
1887. Presumably his body was repatriated because the inscription
states he was interred on 12 December 1887.
Charles Arthur Brounlie was born
at Liverpool, and later worked for the London and River Plate Bank.
He died on 7 March 1903 at Buenos Aires, and was buried there.
Alexander Brounlie was only aged
35 when he died on 27 May 1906 at Punta Arenas, Terra del Fuego, and
he was also buried there.
But the longest inscription
relates to Lieutenant Louis Kossuth Brounlie who was killed on 3 July
1900 in the attack on Kokofu during the relief of the Kumasi /
Ashanti expedition on the west coast of Africa. There is an extract
from the letter sent by his commanding officer who wrote ‘he was
one of the most popular officers with the Ashanti Field Force.’
Brounlie had used his own field dressing on a comrade not long before
he was shot through the heart.
It seems the only Brounlie to die
peacefully in his bed was Charles de Bels Brounlie, Knight Commander
Crown of Italy, who died aged 96 at Bournemouth on 24 July 1921.
The Hove authorities saw no reason to engage a well-known
architect for the project and it was designed in-house, as it were. Mr E.B.
Ellice Clark was surveyor to the Hove Commissioners and he designed the chapels
in 13
th century style. It was not his fault that his original design
for the central tower did not leave the drawing board but rather the
Commissioners wishing to cut costs because it would have cost an extra £300.
The reporter from the Sussex Daily News was somewhat
scathing about the completed buildings.
‘The spire over the central archway is not at all handsome
and the central tower originally designed by Mr Ellice Clark … would certainly
have been more in keeping with the chapels.’
Over the central arch was the inscription All that are in
the graves shall hear the voice of God and come forth.
In June 1908 Mrs F.C. Oliver requested permission to place a
stained glass window in the south east corner of the south chapel in memory of
her son who was buried in the cemetery.
It is not surprising to learn that the contract to build the
chapels went to James Longley who produced the lowest tender of £2,977.
The other ten tenders were as follows:
J. Anscombe £4,320
W.H. Webber £4,140
J.T. Chappell £3,990
Cheesman & Co £3,965
William Botting & Co £3,850
Parsons & Sons £3,822
John Bruton £3,675
J.G.B. Marshall £3,500
Ambrose Oliver £3-460
John Tyerman £3,322
Out of these building firms, J.T. Chappell was very well
known locally with an address in Pimlico too. The firm built Hove Hospital,
Hove Town Hall, Connaught Road Schools, Davigdor Road Schools, St Catherine’s
Lodge and some houses in King’s Gardens.
George Cheesman built houses in
Adelaide Crescent and
Brunswick Square while Cheesman & Co built houses in Seafield Road, Denmark
Villas and Wilbury Road. They also did some work in Hove Cemetery in 1881.
J. Parsons & Sons was the oldest building firm in Hove,
having been established in 1835. Their premises were in Church Road next door
to where
Hove Library was built in 1908. They were engaged in countless
projects in Hove, particularly with regard to Street works, sewerage works plus
groynes and esplanade.
Mr Marshall did not lose out entirely because he was chosen
to build the Cemetery Lodge, walls and fences at a cost of £2,450. The wall on
the north side was built of picked flints with red brick piers 12 feet apart
and is in a fine state of preservation today
copyright © Robert Jeeves
Canon Peacey was vicar of Hove for 30 years and when he
died his family received a message of sympathy from Edward VII, the two having
met on one of the king’s visits to Hove. This photograph of his funeral held in
April 1909 shows Hove Cemetery looking somewhat bleak without the mature trees
we are accustomed to. |
Orders were placed for the purchase of trees including the
300 sycamores for £7-10s from Wood & Son
300 poplars for £3-9-2d from J. Wollard
Some elm and oak for £15-3-6d from Cripps & Son
One dozen poplars from for 2/- from W. Knight
In 1890 some weeping elms were ordered from Balchin &
Sons for 10/-.
In September 1893 the surveyor submitted plans for making
paths in the undeveloped part of the cemetery and to continue with the belt of
trees along the south and west parts. Surplus chalk, which accumulated from
time to time, would be put on the railway embankment.
At some stage a number of pine trees were planted and became
an attractive feature of the grounds. In 1979 a huge flock of starlings settled
in the pine trees and Hove Council borrowed a bird-scarer from Brighton Council
to drive them away before too much damage was done. But the starlings returned
in 1980 and refused to be frightened away. By March their droppings were
several inches thick over trees, paths and grass while some memorial
inscriptions were obliterated. Mark Bolton, cemetery superintendent, expressed
his concern for the health of the trees and potential victims because an
abnormal number of branches were just dropping off. Indeed, several trees died
and had to be felled.
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A lonesome pine. The broken column is not the result of
damage but is an artistic representation of a life cut short. |
During the Great Gale of October 1987 the number of trees
that keeled over in the cemeteries run by Hove Council was put at 46.
At first only 12 acres were laid out and of this area 8
acres were consecrated on 27 May 1882. The rest of the land was used to produce
crops of hay.
Hove Commissioners had already decided how they wished the
cemetery to look and on 20 March 1882 decided that no wooden monuments would be
permitted; neither would benders. The latter were iron hoops covering the grave
that harked back to the days when body snatchers could earn good money by
digging up the newly deceased and taking the body to trainee doctors to perfect
their knowledge of anatomy and dissection. You can still see one example in the
churchyard of
St Andrew’s Old Church, Hove.
copyright © J.Middleton
Frederick Tooth was the first person
to be buried in Hove
Cemetery. |
In February 1893 Hove Commissioners gracefully allowed that
crosses or wreaths of flowers, natural or artificial, enclosed in a glass dome
or not, would be allowed.
In June 1910 it was stipulated that no trellis-work wire
arches would be permitted and those already in place would have to be taken
Frederick Tooth was the first person to be buried in Hove
Cemetery on 15 January 1882. His monument takes the shape of a large, plain
cross in rose marble and it is still in remarkably good shape, although some of
the lettering is beginning to go. Indeed it has fared better than many more
recent memorials. But then he could afford the best work. In the 1860s he
purchased some land in Hove for £11,300 – a considerable sum. It comprised land
on which St Aubyns was later built and stretched from the churchyard wall (in
those days further south than it is today) to the seashore. He undertook to
protect his valuable land from the ravages of the sea by building his own sea
wall south of Sussex Road called Tooth’s Wall. Tooth was a Hove Commissioner, a
Shoreham Harbour Trustee and a member of the firm Tooth & Co, timber
merchants of Church Street, Brighton and Baltic Wharf, Shoreham Harbour.
The Burial Books reveal the high mortality rate amongst
children in the early 1880s. Out of the first 40 entries, fifteen were for
Henry Porter in his History of Hove (1897) wrote
about Hove Cemetery ‘the grounds are tastefully disposed, and kept in very
excellent condition.’
copyright © J.Middleton
This old view shows Hove Cemetery in the days when there
was still plenty of space. Frederick Tooth’s memorial is to the left of the
male figure. One wonders just how many people felt moved to buy a postcard with
such a solemn scene. |
copyright © Brighton & Hove City Libraries
The Bishop of Lewes officiated at the consecration of the
extension in June 1912. He can be seen in the background wearing his surplice
and an antiquated piece of clerical headgear known as the Canterbury cap. |
In 1912 3 acres, 3 roods and 17 poles of land lying west of
the chapels were consecrated. The Right Reverend Leonard Hedley Burrows
officiated at the consecration ceremony in June of that year. He was vicar of Hove
and Bishop of Lewes from 1909 to 1914 and was a popular figure in the area. His
son 2nd Lieutenant Leonard Righton Burrows was later killed in
action on 2 October 1915.
During the consecration ceremony, a circuit of the ground
was made, psalms were sung and the service concluded with
Oh God Our Help in
Ages Past. The combined choirs of
All Saints, St Patrick’s, and
St Andrew’s Old Church led the singing. There was an impressive turnout of dignitaries
including the Mayor of Hove, Alderman Barnett Marks, his mace-bearer Mr Fox, Mr
Endacott (town clerk) and Mr Lister (Hove Librarian).
Afterwards the company adjourned to Hove Town Hall where tea
was served in the banqueting room.
copyright © J.Middleton
This view of the main avenue looks east; note the
glimmer of light on the angel’s wings at the left. |
Further Extension
In 1922 Hove Council discussed buying additional land to
enlarge the cemetery. There was a small piece of land of around 6 acres between
the east end of the cemetery and the
Dyke Railway but in 1907 the price was
£800 an acre. Although the price dropped to £560 an acre, the Council still
considered it prohibitive. There was also the question of some of the land
being within 100 yards of existing houses that meant no grave might be dug
without the house owner’s permission.
Other land under consideration was just over 13 acres on the
west side belonging to the Duke of Portland who was willing to sell for £4,250
or £315 an acre. But the Council decided that this was prime building land.
Instead it was decided to purchase some sloping land on the
north side of Old Shoreham Road. Thus it was that in 1923 Hove Cemetery was
enlarged by 20 acres, 3 roods and 15 poles. The land was purchased from the
Sackville Estate for £300 an acre. The total cost, including legal fees and
stamp duty, came to £6,450.
In 1955 Hove Council purchased 30 acres of woodland at
Stonestaples Wood near Poynings for use when Hove Cemetery was full, although
the site was 7 miles distant from Hove.
In 1955 it was expected that Hove Cemetery would soon be
full. But in 1974 it was stated the increase in cremations had extended the
life of Hove Cemetery by at least 30 years.
Cemetery Staff
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The figure on the left at the north side of the main
avenue remembers Betty Louise Thompson who died 11 February 1934. The cross
with the entwined flowers and dove at the top commemorates Charlie Martin who
died 3 September 1934. |
In 1888 Mr
Stanbury resigned his post as Superintendent of Hove Cemetery. John George
Hills of Sevenoaks in Kent was appointed in his place and started work on 8
November 1888. His weekly wage was around 35/- but his perks included residence
in the Lodge with its own garden plus free fuel. In 1891 his wages were
increased by 3/- a week.
copyright © J.Middleton
This most unusual cross is situated just behind
Frederick Tooth’s memorial and was erected
to the memory of Lucia, beloved wife
W.C. Blatspiel Stamp,
who died 24 November 1883. |
In October 1893 he asked permission to reside away from the
Lodge because of his wife’s illness. Her medical attendant had advised that she
should live in a warm and sheltered place during the winter months; permission
was granted.
In 1899 an extension was built at the south west corner of
the Lodge, which created an extra room upstairs as well as downstairs.
In 1902 Mr Hills requested a pay rise. He stated he had held
the post for fourteen years but his last pay rise had been in 1892. His wages
were increased to a magnificent £2 a week.
In 1917 it was a similar story because Mr Hills had to
remind Hove Council he had not had a pay rise in ten years; they duly awarded
him 5/- extra a week.
In 1926 Mr Hills was aged 72 and he requested permission to
retire on a pension; he was also suffering from a broken femur; his request was
Frederick Richard George from London was his replacement and
his wages were £408 a year.
In February 1892 R. Packham and R. Robinson, labourers, were
awarded a pay rise. They had been earning one guinea a week (21/-) and this was
raised to £1-2-6d. In 1897 an additional labourer was to be employed but he was
not to earn more than one guinea a week. Gardener Barker was better off because
he earned 32/6d a week.
In December 1916 Hove Council was notified that Private R.
Emsley, one of the cemetery workers, had been awarded a Bar to the Military Medal
he had already won for conspicuous gallantry and untiring devotion to duty at
the Schwaben Redoubt on 21 October 1916. Emsley was a stretcher-bearer with the
Royal Sussex Regiment. He survived the war and returned home with the rank of
By 1927 the staff employed at the cemetery consisted of the
Superintendent, an assistant supervisor, a clerk plus fourteen men who were
either gardeners or grave-diggers.
On 14 June 1998 a 50-minute documentary was broadcast on
BBC’s Everyman series entitled Death in Brighton. Among those
featured were Hove grave-diggers Fred O’Grady and Julian Becher who have worked
together for 30 years. Julian’s tall figure was shown digging a grave while his
wife brought his some sandwiches.
Opening Hours
By 1889 Hove cemetery was open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the
summer and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the winter. On Sundays the gates were not
open until 10 a.m.
The early regulations stipulated that burials must take
place at 3.30 p.m. in consecrated ground and at 2.30 p.m. in un-consecrated
grounds. Revd A.D. Spong complained about the inconvenience caused when two
funerals were fixed for the same time. Councillors agreed to waive the rules if
friends provided their own minister.
In February 1916 further concessions were granted because of
the war and after representations from Attree & Kent ‘on behalf of the
Undertaking Trade’ funerals were permitted between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. on three
days a week.
In 1904 a notice was erected at the cemetery gates
requesting car drivers not to bring their vehicles into the grounds. In April
1913 this rule was rescinded because of the ‘probability of motor hearses being
brought into use’. But vehicles would have to proceed at a walking pace.
copyright © J.Middleton
This must be the most comfortable-looking monument in
Hove Cemetery. William Smith strikes a patrician pose as he enjoys a long
sleep. |
In 1908 ladies were provided with a public convenience
inside the grounds while gentlemen had to wait for their own establishment
until 1915.
Unique Circumstances
At noon on 22 July 1938 a rather extraordinary burial took
place. The lady in question, Mrs Florence Matilda Greatorex Ward of
Birchington, Kent had actually died on 21 April 1938. She had been rather
eccentric and lived a secluded life with her daughters Beatrice and Gertrude.
They would only communicate with the outside world by means of conversations
conducted through the letter-box. Mrs Ward had expressed a wish not to be
buried and so her dutiful daughters kept her body at home. But Mrs Ward did say
that if she had to be buried it must be near the grave of a Brighton physician
she had once known who was buried in Hove Cemetery in 1925.
Mrs Ward did not leave a will and letters of administration
were sought in order to share £26,000 between the daughters.
Imperial War Graves Commission
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Graves from the Great War are in a tranquil setting.
The Imperial War Graves Commission was established in 1917
to care for all graves of men of the Imperial forces who died from wounds,
accidents or disease. The cut-off date was 31 August 1921. This meant that
those who died from war wounds or the effects of gassing after this date were
not officially recognised as war casualties.
copyright © J.Middleton
This is one of the larger stones amongst
the standard
official war graves. |
In October 1922 it was stated that the Imperial War Graves
Commission proposed to enclose the site of the Great War graves in Hove
Cemetery with a holly hedge and to erect in the recess of the hedge a Portland
stone cross with inset bronze sword facing the graves.
In the event the original war grave design was impossible to
execute because of more interments. The scheme was amended and the cross was
placed on the north west side within a circular recess cut in the embankment of
the main avenue leading from the Lodge to the chapels.
In 1925 there were two temporary buildings sited around 280
yards west of the cemetery. The Imperial War Graves Commission used them as
workshops for the men working on the gravestones.
Relatives of the fallen could have the standard white
headstone engraved with a regimental badge and a brief inscription of their
choice. But sometimes families wanted to have a more elaborate headstone and
this was permitted at Hove. It also meant that in at least one case the
grieving parents were buried in the same plot. This differs from British War
Cemeteries abroad that all have the same headstone and the regimented lines of
white headstones create a powerful image. The difference being that those
abroad were likely to have been killed in action while those buried at Hove
were more likely to have died from disease, accidents or as the result of war
wounds and gassing.
Some families did not want their soldier son to be buried in
the official war graves section but preferred another part of the cemetery
close to where other family members were buried. One such case was Private
Albert Edward Wheeler of the Middlesex Regiment who saw a great deal of action
on the Western Front. He was discharged as medically unfit in October 1917 and
died at home less than two months later. He has the standard white, military
headstone but is buried in the far south west part. Unfortunately, the
remoteness from the official site means his stone has not been kept cleaned to
the high standards that are followed for the rest.
copyright © J.Middleton |
Second World War
On 26 September 1940 two high-explosive bombs fell on the
cemetery and Olive Road but fortunately no damage was recorded.
The graves of those who died as the result of the Second
World War are mostly gathered in a special section on the east side of Hove
Cemetery that lies north of Old Shoreham Road.
There are 37 official War Graves Commission white stones
with 38 inscriptions (one stone is shared between father and son). There is a
large white cross with inset bronze sword like the one in the south side.
In 1979 the graves were in an enclosure with pink cherry
trees at the back. By 1999 the wall and cherry trees had gone and the site was
more open to allow for easier maintenance but there were red rose bushes on the
graves. Today there are cherry trees once more.
copyright © J.Middleton |
North Side
Some Polish graves are to be found to the east of the main
path running south to north and leading to Knoll Recreation Ground.
Some headstones of interest are listed below:
Alexander Campbell, born in Perthshire 9 May 1871 who was
lost aboard the Lusitania 7 May 1915
Gerard Thomas Spencer Johnson (Gerry) who died while doing
his duty on 20 May 1989 aged 30 in the Falkland Islands (black stone with
scenic image at the top)
Henry Sydney Brooks, cellist; stone with a relief of a cello
resting against a stool
Rita Rice 1901-1961; sculpture of three figures
The Forte family have some large memorials; one a marble
angel, another of Our Lady of Lourdes and a third stone with incised angels.
Different Faiths
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Some fine Celtic cross memorials in the Roman Catholic
section. |
In April 1881 it was decided that Roman Catholics would be
allocated half-an-acre immediately to the right of the cemetery gates.
Catherine Broderick was buried there in 1914. She was a
benefactor and builder of Catholic churches including Our Lady, Star of the
Sea, and St Denis, Portslade. When she was buried it was stated that the
Catholic piece of land had not been consecrated and so the officiating priest
censed the inside of the grave and around the coffin.
The Little Sisters of the Poor occupy the largest grave
space. Homebase now covers the site of their former convent in Old Shoreham
Road, Hove.
copyright © J.Middleton
This lovely memorial dates from 1950
and it is in the
Roman Catholic section |
Luigi Arditi (1822-1903) a famous musician was buried here
after his death at 14 Gwydyr Mansions, Hove. He is credited with having brought
Wagner to the attention of the British public in his concerts at Covent
Gardens. It was also under his direction that stars such as Adelina Patti and
Melba appeared. The most famous of his 69 compositions was Il Bacio, performed
in Brighton in 1860.
George Augustus Sala (1828-1895) was buried here after dying
at the home of his doctor in Norton Road. Father S.R. Donelly of the Sacred
Heart Church took the funeral and he had only received Sala into the Roman
Catholic fold some three months previously. Sala was a famous journalist and
writer and Charles Dickens held him in high regard. Sala acted as special
correspondent to the Daily Telegraph on the American Civil War and the
coronation of Czar Alexander III in St Petersberg. He was well aware of the
transitory nature of journalism because he wrote. ‘I have given the best of my
brain to anonymous ephemeral work, which, no matter how good, leaves nothing
behind to remember me by. I have written some 7,000 leading articles, many of
them laboriously constructed, carefully thought out … crammed with information
… yet when I am dead the world will only remember me as the unknown writer of
some smart articles and a very weak romance.’
The original, small Jewish cemetery is situated north of the
Old Shoreham Road and surrounded by fence, hedge and gates. This is because of
security fears but it does mean that an ordinary visitor is unable to read the
inscriptions. The Rabbi of the Palmeira Avenue Synagogue has custody of the key
to the locked gates. This ground is now full and another one has been
In September 1981 it was agreed that Muslims should have
their own burial ground on the north side with their graves facing towards
Mecca. In September 1994 a new headstone was dedicated and the inscription ran
stone was donated by the people of Brighton and Hove to Ali Mohamed Ibbrahim
(1972-1993). Two unemployed men had stabbed the unfortunate Ali. A fund was
launched to pay for Ali’s funeral and a headstone; the necessary money being
raised within six weeks.
A Memorial Avenue
was a wonderful idea to install an avenue of 30 trees as a mark of
respect and remembrance for the servicemen from the Brighton and Hove
area who died in the First World War with each tree representing the
loss of 100 men. The choice of tree was the beech (fagus sylvatica)
and the trees were planted in the part of Hove Cemetery south of Old
Shoreham Road. Beech trees (and hedges) hold onto to their autumn brown
leaves throughout the winter and will thus provide some welcome colour
at a dark time of year. In the course of 50 years it is hoped the beech
trees will achieve a possible height of 30 metres.
trees were planted in April 2018 and the event was marked with a
ceremony in which Peter Field, Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex, unveiled a
commemorative plaque.
the fierce heat and drought of the summer of 2018 affected the young
trees badly and by July at least nine of them were in distress with some
dying and others already dead.
copyright © J.Middleton
The cross on the left at the north side of the main
avenue commemorates the Abbey family and dates from 1937. The Celtic cross is
on the grave of Zilpah Williams who died 12 December 1937. |
Famous and Interesting People buried in Hove Cemetery
Charles Barber of Portslade Manor
James Bull (1844-1911) civil engineer, worked in Spain for
30 years
John Jackson Clark (1845-1928) farmer, baker, developer and
Hove Councillor
Jeremiah Colman (1853-1939) of the J. & J. Colman
mustard manufacturers and Hove Councillor
James Eade, son of William Eade who founded a timber’s
merchant business in Conway Street, Hove
Constantine Ionides, famous art collector, who bequeathed
his pictures, drawings and prints to the Victoria and Albert Museum
Samuel Isger, a Navy veteran of the Crimean War and Hove
Commissioner, died 1924
William Jago, Alderman and Mayor of Hove, died 1938
William (Billy) Keen, sportsman and cricket fan; from 1885
to 1927 he rarely missed a match at the country ground, he died in 1928
Martin Leonard Landfried (1834-1902) one of the men who
sounded the charge at the Battle of Balaclava 25 October 1854
Charlie Mitchell (1861-1918) famous as ‘England’s Best
Lord George Nevill (1856-1920) third son of the 1st
Marquess of Abergavenny
Rear Admiral Anson Schomberg, died in 1925; his father was
Rear Admiral Herbert Schomberg and his grandfather was Vice Admiral Alexander
W, Schomberg
John Waddington (1855-1935) pioneer developer of Western
George Baldwin Woodruff (1826-1907) First Mayor of Hove
copyright © J.Middleton
The main avenue looking west towards the chapels. |
Encyclopaedia of Hove and Portslade
Hove Council Minute Books
Thanks to Robert Jeeves of Step Back in Time 36
Queen’s Road, Brighton BN1 3XD
Copyright © J.Middleton 2016
page layout by D.Sharp