Judy Middleton 2003 revised 2021
copyright © Jules M. A replica of the SS Trevessa's number three life boat in Trevessa House, Port Louis, Mauritius. |
For some years a lifeboat from the SS Trevessa was
displayed at the RNVR site at Hove. It was very famous in its time but is now
largely forgotten. However, it is well worth recalling the details.
copyright © J.Middleton The number one lifeboat from the SS Trevessa on
display at the RNVR site at Hove in the 1930s
The ship was built in 1909 at Flensburg, Germany and its
original name was Imkenturm. She was a freighter employed in the East
India trade and during the Great War she was interned at Sourabaya in the Dutch
East Indies. In October 1920 she was sold for £86,000 to the Hain Steamship
Company of St Ives, Cornwall. The company then spent an additional £36,000 on
having her re-conditioned and British-built wooden lifeboats replaced the
German-built steel ones. She was re-named Trevessa and two of the company’s
other steamers were called Trevean and Tregenna.
The last voyage of the Trevessa took place in 1923
and there were 44 officers and men aboard her. It seems some of the crew had
grave forebodings about the fate of the ship and sailors were known to be
superstitious. For instance, the behaviour of two ship’s cats unnerved them.
One ship’s cat deserted in New Zealand and the crew adopted another one at Port
Pirie where the ship was loaded with concentrates. But this cat too decided not
to sail with them. There were further misgivings when the captain disposed of
two kittens out of a batch of six black ones.
Trevessa foundered on 4 June 1923. She was eleven
days out of Freemantle bound for Antwerp when a wireless message was despatched
saying the vessel was foundering. The
Trevean and
Tregenna spent
two days patrolling the Indian Ocean in the area from whence the message was
despatched. Although they spotted some wreckage, there was no sign of
Photograph courtesy of the National Library of Australia (see citation below in 'sources')
SS Trevessa |
Meanwhile, the Trevessa’s crew were fortunate in
having a captain with previous experience of taking to the lifeboats. While
serving as First Officer during the Great War, he had been torpedoed twice
within sixteen hours and spent nine and a half days in an open boat.
Captain Cecil Foster, who hailed from Barry, knew how to
ration water and condensed milk as well as such strategies as sucking buttons
or pieces of coal to keep the mouth moist. The daily ration was one cigarette
tin of water, two cigarette tins of condensed milk and one ship’s biscuit. The
compasses proved useless and the steering was done with the aid of sun and
stars. The Times (28 June 1923) wrote ‘the voyage in so small a craft is
one of the most remarkable that has been made for many years’.
The Captain had 21 men in the number one boat; they were
composed of six Englishmen, three Irish, two Scots, two Welsh, two Burmese, two from the middle east, two Portuguese West Africans and one Indian.
The Chief Engineer’s boat, number three, had 24 men. The
remaining boat was picked up, capsized and empty. Two men died from the number
one boat and three men died from the number three boat. Some of the foreign crew took advantage of calm weather to slip over the side and have a wash whilst
clinging to the lifelines. There was a popular misconception that sharks did not
attack Asians so readily as they would attack Europeans.
Photograph courtesy of the National Library of Australia SS Trevessa's number one lifeboat at Rodriguez Island,
lifeboat was eventually put on display in Hove in later years)
Number one boat covered 1,556 miles to Rodriguez in 22 days
and 19 hours. Number three boat travelled 1,747 miles to Souillac, Southern
Mauritius in 24 days and 20 hours.
Map courtesy of the National Library of Australia (see citation below in 'sources')
dotted lines show approximately the route taken by number one boat to
Rodriquez Island and that by number three boat to Mauritius
First Officer Stewart Smith was in charge of number three
boat and rations consisted of two tablespoons of water and half of a ship’s
biscuit every 24 hours. After fifteen days the drinking water was finished and
for the following fourteen days the men existed on rainwater caught in their
cupped hands.
The Trevessa’s cook, Stanley Allchin, was on number
three boat. He had survived being twice torpedoed in the Great War but the
privation of his final voyage proved too much for his constitution and he died
a few days after reaching land. Altogether eleven men died.
Most of the survivors arrived home aboard RMS
Goorkha. On
arrival at Gravesend they found all vessels bedecked with flags and sirens
hooting. One of the survivors remarked to his ship-mates that there must be
some big event going on in London, not realising that all the fuss was a
welcome home for them.
copyright © R.N.L.I An extract from the December 1923 Journal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institute (£1,453 is the equivalent to £96,000 in 2021)
Captain Foster, writing in 1924, recorded that the
Anglo-Ceylon Estates Company Ltd. of Mauritius purchased the number one
lifeboat. The company brought it back to England where it was set up in the
grounds of the Ceylon Court at
the British Empire Exhibition in Wembley. The remarkable story of the
lifeboat was obviously a crowd-puller, and so the RNLI took the
opportunity to station a convenient collection box next to it, and it
would be fascinating to know whether or not the general public were
generous in their donations. The lifeboat’s stay at the exhibition
grounds was of short duration because it was only there for a few
months in 1924. Then the powers-that-be decided they had no further
use for it because the exhibition was to be transformed into a
showcase for the goods and produce of the Empire, re-opening in 1925.
The Lifeboat at Hove
copyright © J.Middleton
This wonderful old postcard shows the Coastguard Station
/ RNVR Depot and it is a part of Hove seafront that has changed out of all
recognition. |
lifeboat’s prospects were perilous indeed, and it was very
fortunate that there was an eminent person who took a great interest
in the lifeboat’s history and was determined that it should not be
cast aside as being of no worth.  |
copyright ©
Royal Pavilion & Museums
Viscount Curzon |
This man was Francis Curzon
(1884-1964) who was known as Viscount Curzon from 1900 until 1929
when his father died and he became 5th
Earl Howe. The family had a long connection with the Navy, and the
young Francis could not wait to become involved, joining the RNVR
after leaving school, and serving with the London Division. In 1907
Viscount Curzon was appointed Commander of the Sussex Division of the
Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve based at Hove. In 1918 he decided to
have a tilt at becoming a Conservative Member of Parliament and
succeeded in winning the seat of Battersea South. He remained in this
post for several years but upon becoming 5th
Earl Howe, he was unable to seek re-election to the House of Commons.
is a fascinating report in Hansard (24 May 1924) concerning Viscount
Curzon and the lifeboat. It reveals vividly that if it had not been
for his intervention, the lifeboat might have been scrapped. Instead,
the lifeboat was given an honourable retirement on Hove sea-front to
the delight of residents and visitors.
copyright © J.Middleton
1930s image shows, by happy chance, the Trevessa's number one
on the left. The photographer was actually standing within the RNVR
perimeter, to be precise, at the top of the searchlight tower
The number one lifeboat was set up at the Lifeguard Station
/ RNVR quarters on a site belonging to the Admiralty on Hove seafront. Ken
Lane, one-time manager of Combridges Secondhand Bookshop 70 Church Road, Hove,
remembered as a boy seeing the white-painted lifeboat set up on a plinth inside
the grounds, which was not accessible to the general public. George Ellis, who
St Nicolas Church, Portslade, regularly, also remembered seeing the
lifeboat. Indeed it was his interest in wanting to know its history that
sparked this investigation.
the lifeboat’s last public hurrah was in July 1937 when the Sussex
RNVR loaned it to Southampton for display in celebration of Merchant
Navy Week, which ran from 17 July to 24 July of that year. (West
Sussex Gazette 8/7/1937)
The lifeboat survived at Hove until the Second World War but
it disappeared when the RNVR site and the adjacent swimming baths were
requisitioned to become an important training ‘stone frigate’ known as
HMS King Alfred.
copyright © J.Middleton
This view of the Hove Battery at the RNVR Depot was
posted in 1927. |
A Manuscript
On 27 May 1990 Phillips put an anonymous account written by
one of the Trevessa’s survivors up for auction at Bristol; Captain Foster’s
widow had typed up the manuscript. A bidding war then ensued between Nino
Spiteri from Barr, Glamorgan, and Alain de Froberville from Mauritius. The
latter gentleman secured the item with a bid of £2,400.
Phillips’ book consultant, Mrs G.M. Atkins, thought that the
Third Officer might have written the account. But Dr Patrick Flynn did not
agree because the author was one the weakest survivors and had to be taken to
hospital. The Captain, Chief Engineer, Third Officer and Third Engineer did not
require hospital treatment. But Wireless Operator Donald Lamont was so weak he
had to be helped to sit upright and he certainly spent time in hospital.
Another pointer to Lamont being the author was that he wrote an article in the Marconi
Mariner (September / October 1948) in which he used the word ‘masticate’
and in the manuscript the following appeared.
‘It took an hour to eat a morsel of biscuit, our mouths
being that devoid of saliva that the biscuit after mastication was like dry
flour and blew out of our mouths like dust.’
Donald Lamont’s niece shared Dr Flynn’s opinion because she
recognised the florid, poetic prose typical of his style of writing.
One last footnote reported by Dr Flynn was that from 1924 to
1961 the Royal Naval Hong Kong Yacht Club competed for the Trevessa Cup, a
solid silver model of the number one lifeboat.
copyright © Jules M. With Thanks to Jules for providing additional information of the SS Trevessa lifeboat's historic connection with Mauritius.
The miraculous arrival of the
Trevessa lifeboat at Bel-Ombre on 30 June caused such a stir in
Mauritius that the authorities decided it merited being commemorated
in a national holiday every year on 30 June. It was known for many
years as Trevessa Day – it is still a special day but is now
called Seafarers’ Day. In addition, at Port Louis, the capital of
Mauritius, the sea-front centre is called Trevessa House. It is
rather ironic that the Trevessa should have been remembered for so
many years at Mauritius, whereas at Hove it had sunk beneath memory.
copyright © Jules M.
people of Mauritius have commemorated the memory of the epic voyage
of the life boats by naming this building, Trevessa House, which now
houses a replica of number two lifeboat.
Indeed, the Trevessa story is full
of coincidences. If it had not been for George Ellis of Portslade,
who remembered seeing the Trevessa life-boat on Hove sea-front in the
1930s, and asked me to find out the history, it could have remained
forgotten. At the time there was no mention of the Trevessa in local
history sources and the life-boat was not commemorated.
Then on 30 June 2021 Mr Moosuddee
of Mauritius decided, quite by chance, to take a drive and found
himself in front of the monument on the very anniversary; the
accompanying photograph was taken on that day.
copyright © Jules M. |
Correspondence about the Trevessa lifeboat with Dr
P.T.G Flynn Cphys FInstP
Encyclopaedia of Hove and Portslade
Foster, Cecil 1700 Miles in Open Boats (1924, reprinted 1952)
Mr Jules Moosuddee of Mauritius.
Recollections of George Ellis and Ken Lane
Times 9 June 1923 / 28 June 1923 /
16 May
Photograph of SS
Trevessa:- THE STEAMER TREVESSA. (1923, June 16).
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), p. 33. Retrieved November 23, 2016, from
Copyright © J.Middleton 2016
page layout and additional research by D.Sharp