Judy Middleton 2016 (revised 2024)
The seven-ton gun from SMS Koenigsberg arrived at
Hove on 19 April 1928. (Sussex Daily News 20 April 1928) |
The Koenigsberg Gun
There used to be two interesting German relics of the Great
War on display at the
Coastguard / RNVR depot at Hove and they continue to
spark interest to this day.
One gun was part of a complement of ten aboard SMS Koenigsberg,
a modern German light cruiser. The famous firm of Krupp manufactured the
gun at Essen and it was a Naval 10.5 cm. quick loading cannon.
During the Great War the
Koenigsberg operated as a
lone wolf in the Indian Ocean, attacking allied shipping. For example, HMS
was one British vessel sunk by the
Koenigsberg’s guns at Zanzibar. The
British authorities were concerned enough to send Royal Navy vessels to try and
track her down. The
Koenigsberg was able to take refuge from the hunters
in the Rufiji delta in German East Africa, now Tanzania, because the Germans
had charted the delta; the British vessels, without this knowledge, were unable
to follow. Neither could they gauge the exact spot she was lurking in and this
was where a very modern approach was adopted – the use of spotter planes.
copyright © Imperial War Museum (IWM HU 58507)
The estuary of the Rufiji River, June/July 1915. The smoke from the
Koenigsberg is visible.
The planes used in this delicate task were Curtiss flying
boats. By coincidence, there is a connection with Hove here. The link is Gerard
Hudson (1874-1948) whose family home was at 9
The Drive, Hove. Hudson grew up
to develop a passionate interest in aviation. He emigrated to South Africa but
in 1913 he travelled back to England in order to purchase two Curtiss flying
boats. Unhappily for him he did not retain ownership for long because the Royal
Navy requisitioned them for the war effort.
Photograph courtesy of the National Library of Australia (see citation below in 'sources')
SMS Koenigsberg |
The Curtiss flying boats duly spotted the German vessel. The
British then despatched HMS Mersey and HMS Severn to attack the Koenigsberg.
They were able to enter the Rufiji delta because they were both shallow-draught
monitor vessels and they were also equipped with 6-inch guns. These guns were
first used against the German ship on 6 July 1914 but not very effectively as
it happened. The second attempt was made on 11 July 1914 and this time the
British guns found their target more accurately, hitting the Koenigsberg several
times. The bridge was shattered, there was a fire in the magazine and Captain
Loeff was injured. The order was given to scuttle the ship.
It was German officer Korvetten-Kapitan Wener Schönfeld who
oversaw the salvage of the guns, including the one that later came to Hove.
The Hove gun was moved to Dar Es Salaam to provide
protection for the port. The gun’s manoeuvrability was vastly improved when in
1916 it was mounted on a special Krupp gun-carriage. This item of equipment was
somehow smuggled in aboard the SS Marie although German East Africa was
supposed to be under blockade.
To counter an expected British attack, the gun was moved up
the coast to Bagamoyo. On 16 August 1916 the Royal Navy attacked and a landing
party equipped with machine guns soon had the German gun crew in their sights.
The Germans beat a hasty retreat and they were in such a hurry that they did
not follow the standard procedure of dynamiting the gun although they did
remove the breech block.
The ‘Hove’ gun was photographed in August 1916 at
Bagamoyo, East Africa. The men are, from left to right,
Sir Horace Byatt,
Commander R.J.N. Watson (leader of the landing party) and Admiral Sir Edward
Charlton. |
The gun then became a war trophy in very good condition and
in 1918 it was shipped to London. It was put on display to curious Londoners at
Admiralty Arch and then at the Imperial War Museum, which in those days was
located at the Crystal Palace. The Imperial War Museum moved to South
Kensington in 1924 and the German gun became surplus to requirements.
The gun arrived at Hove on 19 April 1928 and as can be
imagined aroused considerable attention as it was trundled down to the RNVR
depot at
Hove Coastguard Station and placed on the north side of the parade
ground. It was claimed the gun weighed seven tons. It is interesting to read
the following contemporary account.
Sussex Daily News 21 April 1928
Brighton Graphic Newspaper
Viscount Curzon |
‘The RNVR Battery at Hove, already proud of its war relics,
has been still further enriched by the addition of a gun, which played an
important part in East Africa during the Great War. Through the instrumentality
of Captain Viscount Curzon, the Battery has secured from the War Museums
Committee possession of a 4.2 gun, which is believed to have wrought
considerable havoc in the course of the destruction of the German cruiser
in German East Africa. The ship like the notorious
Emden found some
strange hiding-places. She cruised around the Pacific, traversed the rivers,
and hid behind the towering palms with which the waters in this part of the
world abound, and from these secluded spots she sent raiding parties into the
most unexpected quarters.
It was while in one of these obscure spots that the Koenigsberg
was discovered, and her commander immediately decided upon an action, which
must be commended for its cleverness. He had the gun – now in the safe keeping
of the RNVR Battery at Hove – dismounted from the ship, placed on a gun
carriage made from parts of the vessel, the wheels being portions of the
engine, and transferred it to the shore for defensive purposes. One remarkable
feature of the gun is it has an axle about nine inches square, encased with
steel strips to ensure greater strength – a feat of engineering under
difficulties very credible to the ship’s crew. It is a matter of history that
the Koenigsberg was eventually destroyed, and members of the Hove RNVR
are naturally proud of this relic from a notable naval incident of the war.’
(It should be noted that the mention of the Pacific Ocean is
an error and the actual sequence of events after the Koenigsberg was hit
is different because the guns were not salvaged until after the vessel was
Unfortunately, the subsequent history of this historic gun
has yet to come to light. It may have been removed when the RNVR /
Coastguard Station became part of
HMS King Alfred at the outbreak of the Second
World War. But it instructive to note that the British tank called
Hova, which
was put on display in Hove Park in 1919 lasted until around 1937 when it was
disposed off for scrap metal.
An Extraordinary Coincidence
It is a quite extraordinary
coincidence that a gentleman and his wife who came to live in at Hove
in recent years, should have discovered through this blogspot, that
there is a connection between the Koenigsberg gun and his
grandfather. In a further twist, the Koenigsberg gun was once located
a mere 200 yards or so from his grandson’s present residence. The
facts of the matter are as follows:
Dr Norman Parsons Jewell MC OBE MD
FRCS (1885-1973) was born in Larne, County Antrim. It was a tragedy
that his father died the following year, and the infant was then
brought up in the home of his maternal grandparents at Dublin. It was
also in Dublin that the young man acquired his medical qualifications
in 1910, and being of an adventurous nature, immediately joined the
Colonial Medical Service. His first posting was to the Seychelles,
where as well as his medical services, he was also expected to
perform the duties of a Justice of the Peace. This was not so
outlandish as it might seem because educated men were a comparatively
rare commodity in far-flung colonies.
copyright © National Library of Australia The Daily News (Perth) 29 November 1917 |
the time the First World War broke out, Dr Jewell was a married man
with two young sons, and his wife was also pregnant. Nevertheless,
he did not hesitate in offering his services to the Military, and
with the rank of Captain, was sent to Africa where he ended up
attached to the 3rd
East Africa Field Ambulance. It was in this capacity that he
unwittingly took part in the historic chase across Africa to try and
capture the escaping German soldiers, and principally, the undefeated
German commander, General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck.
In November 1917
the two armies reached the Rovuma River, on the border between German
East Africa and Portuguese East Africa. The British, who were in an
excellent position on higher ground, must have been very frustrated
that the order to attack never arrived, and consequently the enemy
slipped across the border into Portuguese East Africa. But then they
returned to German East Africa, and moved on to Northern Rhodesia
where the final battle took place on 13 November 1918, the same day
as the Germans learned the war in Europe was over. The German
commander did not surrender until 25 November 1918.
Jewell later wrote an account of his life On
Call in Africa in War and Peace: 1910-1932. In
this book he recorded the following:
our pursuit of the German forces over many hundreds of square miles
in East Africa the German troops had systematically destroyed their
artillery as and when they were probably running out of ammunition.
It was at Masasi that they destroyed the last of the four-inch guns
they had removed from the Konigsberg.’
The gallant Captain then proceeded to take a photograph of the last
copyright © N. P. Jewell
This fascinating photograph of the Koenigsberg gun was taken by
Captain Norman Parsons Jewell
is also relevant to record the heroic effort that lead to Captain
Jewell being awarded the Military Cross, and the citation reads: For
conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He worked continuously
for sixty-two hours, and, single-handed, attended to over 100 wounded
men. He has on many previous occasions done fine work. (London
Gazette 17
April 1917). Despite all his exertions Captain Jewell managed to live
to a ripe old age and did not die until 1973 in Pinner, Middlesex.
For many people, the First World
War is chiefly remembered as trench warfare in Europe, while other
theatres of war have been largely forgotten or ignored. This is also
true of the campaign in East Africa, which was waged at a horrendous
cost, both in manpower and money. It is estimated that in the British
Empire forces some 75 per cent died from disease or malnutrition, and
altogether over one million men, including porters, perished.
(Information kindly supplied by D. Jewell)
© Royal
Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove. Brighton Herald 7 July 1917 Another 'Hove' coincidence, Flight-Lieutenant Harwood J Arnold was married at St Patrick's Church, Hove in July 1917.
The Mörser Gun
copyright © J.Middleton
The Mörser gun can be seen to the right of the guns
belonging to Hove Battery. This view was posted on 23 September 1927. |
As can be seen from the photograph, this German gun stood on
the south side overlooking the promenade. It has been identified as a 21cm
Mörser 16 type and it was in use as a heavy howitzer gun. The design was based
on the earlier model 21cm Mörser 10 and had a larger barrel besides other
improvements and modifications. It must have proved a reliable weapon because surprisingly
enough this design remained in use until 1940.
This gun was already in place at Hove by 1927 before the
Koenigsberg gun arrived. The date of its arrival at Hove has not so far been
identified. To find out the date would no doubt require a careful trawl of
local newspapers from around 1920 to 1927, quite a task.
Its later history is also unknown.
In anybody has further information about these German guns,
please get in contact.
Hove Battery
copyright © J.Middleton
This postcard shows a part of Hove that has vanished. On
the right are the roofs of the Coastguard Station / RNVR Depot; to the north
stand the Coastguard Cottages; and the building fronting Kingsway on the west
side of Hove Street is Hove College. |
On 26 April 1904 the Brighton & Hove Company of the
Royal Naval Reserve was commissioned as a separate Sussex RNVR Division. There
were five companies; numbers 1 and 2 (including Hove Battery) were based at
Hove, number 3 at Eastbourne, number 4 at Newhaven and number 5 at Hastings.
At Hove basic training took place at Hove Battery and in the
basement of a chemist’s shop in Church Road, Hove. The RNVR had additional
premises at 5
Victoria Terrace nearby, which had to have an extension built by
There was also an RNVR Band. In 1906 it was stated the Band
had given over 100 performances during the summer on the
Western Lawns at Hove,
Portland Road, and at the first Dance of the Season at Hove Town Hall in
October. At the latter occasion Bandmaster Potter and Assistant Bandmaster Levy
were presented with new batons. These batons were unique because Leading Seaman
Woolley made them.
In November 1906 the 6
th annual concert and prize
distribution of the 2
nd (Hove) Battery of the 1
st Sussex
RGA Volunteers was held at
Hove Town Hall. Lieutenant A.G. Hatton presided.
The Annual Report of 1906 stated the strength of the battery
was 87 men and there were 30 new recruits; signalling classes would be started.
Members attended some 3,605 Drills, which gave a good average of 41.4 % per
(1907 Brighton Season Magazine)
A.B.S. Fraser Mayor of Hove |
In September 1909 the Mayor of Hove, Alderman
A.B.S. Fraser,
visited the Battery to watch 40 men go through their paces. This included
handling 100lb-projectiles and manning the 6-inch guns. The frequent practices
stood the men in good stead and when shortly after the Mayor’s visit, Admiral
Reynolds made a surprise visit, he was delighted with the men’s efficiency.
Hove Battery consisted of six guns (carronades) and they
were fired quite frequently for practice. It did not matter so much in the
early days but as the number of houses in the vicinity grew, so too did the
complaints about excessive noise; apparently, there were even incidents of
damage to neighbouring windows.
It must be admitted that the sight of those long, aggressive
black barrels jutting out of the wooden structure did not do much for the
ambience of a fashionable seaside town.
In the parade ground beside the number one lifeboat from the
Trevessa, and the two gunnery relics, there were also pyramids of round
shot arranged at intervals.
The Great War
copyright ©
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
This 1915 photograph from the Brighton
Graphic is entitled “The Maintenance Party, Hove Battery R.N.V.R. in War Time” and goes
on to name the Battery Staff, "seated left-right:- Lieut Frank Hughes,
Staff-Surgeon E. Snell, C.P.O. Woodley, centre:- Paymaster R.S. Broderick and ratings” it is a great shame that the Brighton Graphic deemed it unnecessary to
name the four “ratings” who would have no doubt faced action in the Great War. |
As early as 2 August 1914 (two days before war was declared)
all available signalmen trained at Hove had left to join their respective
ships. Within three weeks practically the entire strength of the local Division
had been absorbed into the fighting forces. As new recruits arrived, they were
given a week’s trial at Hove Battery, and those deemed fit enough were sent on
for regular training at Crystal Palace.
Some members of the RNVR took part in the defence of
Antwerp, and some went to France with the 63rd (Royal Naval)
Division. Others were present at Gallipoli or Salonica, while some served with
the Royal Navy as signalmen artificers. The war casualties numbered 15% of the
total strength.
Second World War
In 1921 the Division was reformed with Earl Howe (formerly
Viscount Curzon) in command. By the time the Second World War broke out the
veteran Earl Howe was still in command and altogether he was associated with
the Division for 39 years.
In 1939 the Reservists were again mobilised and went to
serve with the Fleet; 30 of them served aboard HMS Ark Royal as aircraft
handlers while others carried out minesweeping duties aboard converted
Meanwhile, their old base at Hove became part of
HMS King Alfred, the ‘stone frigate’ that trained some 22,500 RNVR officers and thus
had an immensely important role in the battle for survival.
In 1946 the Sussex Division was reconstituted under Captain
T.D. Manning. In 1949 the Sussex Division acquired a new name and became HMS Sussex,
after the county-class cruiser of that name was paid off.
In 1968 the Admiralty sold Hove Battery and the RNVR site to
Hove Council.
Encyclopaedia of Hove and Portslade
Hove Council Minutes
Middleton. Judy Hove and Portslade in the Great War (2014)
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
Sussex Daily News 20 April 1928 / 21 April 1928
Thornton, W.M. 75th Anniversary of the RNVR
and RNR (1978)
Various local newspapers
Koenigsberg photograph:-
Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 31. Retrieved November 21, 2016, from
Copyright © J.Middleton 2016
page layout and additional research by D.Sharp