Judy Middleton 2003 (revised 2023)
copyright © J.Middleton
This wonderfully atmospheric postcard shows part of the south side of Western
Road running east from Holland Road with the Wick Inn on the corner; the
façade of Hill’s of Hove is easily recognisable. |
The road was not so
named because it ran in a westerly direction but after the Western family, who
owned land in Preston and Hove that was later known as the Stanford Estate. But
curiously, Western Road, Hove was actually laid out on land once belonging to
the Wick Estate.
of the Stanford Estate descended through the female line from the Shirleys to
the Westerns. Sir Richard Shirley, 3rd baronet, died unmarried in
1705 and thus his sisters Anne, Judith and Mary inherited the estate jointly.
had married Robert Western in 1698 and Mary married Robert’s nephew, Thomas
Western. Judith remained unmarried and when she died in 1711 the estate was
vested jointly in Anne and Mary. In 1712 Thomas Western purchased Anne’s
portion for £6,275.
was a descendant, Charles Callis Western, who sold the estate to William
Stanford in 1794.
is interesting to note that in the 1930s at flat 1 / 12 King’s Gardens lived
Lady Western of Rivenhall, widow of Thomas Western, a descendant of the
aforementioned family.
Early Days
1861 census recorded only houses up to number 29 with two more in the process
of being built while one was unoccupied.
June 1881 it was stated that the crossing over Western Road opposite Waterloo Street was in a bad condition and several carriage springs had been broken as a
result. The Borough Surveyor recommended that this portion of road should be
re-laid with creosoted timber on concrete at a cost of £30.
1888 it seems that some privies belonging to houses in Western Road left a lot
to be desired, For instance, no water was laid on to number 8 and 41 while in
1894 there was no water laid on to number 20.
A Confusion of Numbering
March 1889 Hove Commissioners decreed that new buildings and shops recently
erected on the north side between 57 Western Road and 59 Lansdowne Place should
be numbered as 57A, 57B, 57C and 57D. This gives some idea of the erratic
1892 it was recorded that the numbering at the west end of Western Road, both
north and south, was very irregular. When Western Place was added to Western
Road, the opportunity was taken to organise some much needed re-numbering.
(Western Place was a short stretch of road running west from Holland Road on
the north side).
Roads and Pavements
copyright © R. Jeeves
In this early view, Western Road looks positively spacious with light traffic. |
In January 1895 it
was decided to place a new lamp at a cost not exceeding £6-10s at the corner of
Holland Road and Western Road.
July 1897 a decision was taken to pave Western Road from Holland Road to the
east boundary with deal blocks at a cost of £3,500.
October 1899 the authorities decided that two hackney carriage stands opposite
numbers 31 and 32 should be removed to Brunswick Place instead.
1900 paving on the south side of Western Road between Holland Road on the east
side and Palmeira Square was to be re-paved with artificial stone at a cost of
£118. It was noted that Caithness stone flagging would cost £145 but had been
used in Brunswick Square.
1919 wood-block paving was laid between the eastern boundary and Holland Road
for £8,490. Concrete foundations were replaced where necessary and this cost
17/9d per square yard.
was controversy in 1984 when East Sussex County Council, which held responsibility
at the time, proposed to cover this stretch of pavement with unsightly black
top; it was of course the cheaper option.
July 1984 Denys Forrest, chairman of Hove Civic Society, and Dr Rex Binning,
chairman of the Regency Society, wrote a joint letter to the Evening Argus protesting
about the decision. They feared replacing traditional paving slabs with black
top would set a dangerous precedent for other historic areas
the mid-1990s it was realised that black top was not aesthetically pleasing and
soon work was underway to lay paving stones although these were not the massive
slabs traditionally used but smaller squares.
Second World War
On 14 June 1941 four
high-explosive bombs were dropped on Western Road, St John’s Road, First Avenue
and Kingsway.
65/67 Western Road was hit and collapsed, burying a family in the debris.
Fifteen year-old Mary Priest was killed. She was a pupil at Hove County School
for Girls.
site was cleared but remained derelict for many years. It was not until 1955
that it was put up for sale.
Shops, Businesses and People
copyright © D. Sharp
Western Road Hove looking west from Boundary Passage on the right, which once marked the civic boundary between Hove and Brighton |
1 Tivoli / Embassy Cinema. On 5 October 1911 Hove Council
approved plans presented on behalf of E.W. Dinnick for a Picture Theatre on
this site. On 4 March 1912 Mr A, Carden put forward a plan of the seating
arrangements for the approval of Hove councillors. There was accommodation for
350 people and five exits. But the Borough Surveyor did not approve of the
central gangway being reduced by a foot to 3 feet 6 inches and the cross
gangway being done away with altogether; the plans were thrown out. It is
somewhat ironic to note that by 1920 there was no gangway at all.
Picture Theatre opened its doors in 1912 and its first name was Hove Cinema
Theatre. On 31 January 1912 a licence was granted to Martin Waters on
behalf of Grand Parade Cinemas Ltd. to use the premises for ‘Cinematograph
Exhibitions’ on weekdays only. The fact the cinema was not allowed to open on
Sundays was a thorn in the flesh of the cinema’s managers for many years,
especially when the cinema was just over the border with Brighton where people
were allowed to go to cinemas on Sundays.
2 January 1913 Mr R. Mitchell’s plans for a gallery were approved.
1914 the Medical Officer of Health reported that the WC in the yard was ‘very
foul and without a supply of water’.
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
An advert from the Brighton Graphic 1st June 1916 |
1916 John Harris of 42 Lansdowne Place and Joseph Cohen of 3 Sillwood Road,
Brighton, took over the cinema and re-named it the Tivoli.
there ensued a quick turnover of management. In June 1917 the cinema licence was
granted to James Clark Watson while in October 1917 it was transferred to
William Denos; in May 1919 the licence was granted to George Beyfus.
May 1920 the Chief Constable of Hove reported to Hove Council that the seating
arrangements were not in accordance with approved plans because the central
gangway did not exist. But George Beyfus stated the seating arrangements were
already in place when he purchased the property and in view of the number of
emergency exits, there was no cause for alarm. In the end the Chief Constable
agreed with him and reported that the present seating was satisfactory after
1922 George Beyfus asked permission to be allowed to open the Tivoli between
7 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Sundays, as was already the case at Portslade and
Brighton. But he was turned down. In 1925 George Beyfus sold the cinema to
Clifford Victor Maclean Smart who in 1926 applied to Hove Council for a
seven-day licence. He summarised his reasons as follows:
Public opinion headed by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners was in favour of
clean recreation on Sundays.
Clean cinema entertainment was just as desirable as Sunday band entertainment.
If a seven-day licence were granted to the Tivoli the entertainment
would be suitable and a credit to Hove.
Staff who had to work on Sundays would be given a full day off in the week
Council were unmoved and turned down the request. It was most probably because
of this decision that Mr Smart decided to sell up. On 28 March 1927 the cinema
was sold to J. Goldberg and the licence was transferred to him. Mr Goldberg
lost no time in applying for a seven-day licence in May 1927. This time there
was opposition from representatives of churches and the Rest Day Association
who feared their young people would be tempted to stay away from Sunday School
or Bible Class. Hove Council at last realised that this vexed question was not
going to fade away and sensibly decided to hold a referendum and let the people
decide. The result was that a majority were in favour of Sunday cinema opening.
Thus in October 1928 the Tivoli finally received a seven-day licence.
a while the cinema boasted its own full-time orchestra and Miss P. Penrose was
the conductor. But the Tivoli was one of the first to move from silent
films to talkies and the musicians became redundant. Abel Gance’s epic Napoleon
was the last silent film screened at the cinema on 18 November 1929. The
first film with sound was shown in November 1929 starring Al Johnson in The
Singing Fool.
In 1932 an improved
sound system was installed and the price of seats went up, ranging from 7d to
1/10d. Two years later prices were dropped because the talkies were no longer a
1938 Mr Price was the manager. In 1948 Harry Jacobs took over the cinema and
re-named it the Embassy. He also owned the nearby Curzon, later
re-named the Classic. In 1967 Myles Byrne took over the Embassy. He was
managing director of Proud Karn whose Sussex cinema chain also included the Orion,
Burgess Hill and the Continental and Cinescene, Brighton.
this time cinema audiences were in decline and Byrne hoped to divide the
building between a gaming club and a smaller cinema space but planning
permission was refused.
the last week of March 1981 the last film was screened at the Embassy;
it was Smokey and the Bandits Ride Again.
blame for the cinema’s demise cannot be laid at the door of Hove Council
because the large cinema chains operated a monopoly. This meant that small,
independent cinemas like the Embassy were never given the chance to show
first runs of new films.
Katz, the new owner, spent £50,000 turning the place into a bingo hall called Black
Cat Bingo. Later on it became a shop and in the early 1990s it became home
to Lazer Warriors. Then it became a café and by 2017 was called Piccolo where
pasta and pizza were available.
5/6 – Bradshaw’s, cycle dealers. George Bradshaw ran the shop
and in 1958 he advertised that the business had provided 50 years of service to
copyright © D. Sharp
No. 7 Western Road in 2017 |
7 – Dollman’s Library. According to the 1851 census John Charles
Dollman was a bookseller and stationer aged 28 and lived on the premises with
his wife Mary, aged 26 and their one-year old daughter Selina. On 6 May 1851
their son John Charles Dollman was born here. He became a prominent and popular
Victorian artist but unhappily his name is hardly known today. Perhaps it is
time his talent was re-discovered. The 1861 census recorded additions to the
family and included Thomas Frederick, 8, Herbert Purvis, 5, Gertrude Ella, 2,
and 6-month old Kate Maria. The marine artist W.J. Leatham lived above Dollman’s
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
Dogs’ Refuge by J.C.
Dollman. |
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
An advert from the 1914 Brighton Season Magazine for numbers 7/8 Western Road |
10 – Banfield & Son – Joseph Banfield earned his living as a
blacksmith at Poynings. His son Ebenezer Banfield (1831-1901) married in 1856
and in the same year established his own business called Western Ironworks in
Little Western Street, Hove. Ebenezer, his wife and five children lived in
Montpelier Road. His sons Thomas and Joseph later followed their father into
the family business. Their shop was at number 10 Western Road and by 1895 the
business had expanded to 31a as well. From the latter address the business grew
into extended premises in Western Road and remained there until the lease ran
out some 60 years later. There was also a yard at Bedford Place.
1897 to celebrate Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, Banfield’s erected a large
‘VR’ outside the shop ‘illuminated by electricity under celluloid half-globes’.
In 1902 when Edward VII was crowned Banfield’s designed and installed
celebratory illuminations in the Brunswick area.
Banfield enjoyed sport and was a director of Brighton & Hove Albion,
besides being treasurer of Dyke Golf Club. In 1932 Joseph Banfield died, having
suffered from ill health for some years. But his son Maurice continued the family
business and ran the works until his death in 1986. Maurice’s two sons Marcus
and John also worked in the family firm while John’s sons Philip and David
became the fifth generation of Banfields engaged in the same business. In 2006
the Banfields celebrated their 150th anniversary and produced a book
detailing their family history. By this time the business had reverted to its
original starting point, the premises in Little Western Street.
Number 13
– Spinster sisters Emily and Caroline Essex ran a dressmaker /
milliner business at this address from the late 1850s until the
1880s, and indeed they had made such a success of their enterprise
that by 1881 they employed no less than twelve assistants. The
sisters had five siblings – four sisters and one brother – and
the sisters would pay visits to Western Road from time to time. Their
father was William Essex (1784-1869) the celebrated painter of
miniatures, and when he retired in 1864, he came to Western Road to
spend his declining years with his daughters Emily and Caroline. He
died there in 1869 and was buried in the churchyard of St Andrew’s Old Church, Hove.
copyright © D. Sharp
The former home of William Essex from 1864-1869 - 13 Western Road (Reds) on the corner of Waterloo Street
(photographed in June 2020) |
21 – Western Hotel. See under Hove Pubs:- Paris House.
copyright © J.Middleton
The former Western Hotel is a beautiful building and dominates its prominent corner site with aplomb. It was photographed on 16 May 2014 |
22 – There had been a Post Office here from at least as far back as the
1930s. Then in August 2015 it was revealed that Post Office bosses wanted to
close it down. Local people and Paul Sweetman from next-door City Books could
not understand why it needed to close when it was so well frequented. The idea
was to merge it with the Post Office in Melville Road, which would be an uphill
struggle for those of senior years. There was a public meeting when it was
estimated more than 130 residents put forward compelling reasons why Western
Road Post Office should remain open. To reinforce local feeling Mr Sweetman
organised a petition against closure that eventually gained 7,500 signatures
and there were 400 responses to the Post Office consultation.
In September 2015
Mr Sweetman organised a demonstration when a large queue of patient customers
stood in the rain to buy second-class stamps. They hoped the Post Office would
run out of stamps but they must have been forewarned because there were enough
stamps to go around. Author Peter James, MPs Caroline Lucas and Peter Kyle, and
local councillors all became involved in the battle to save the Post Office.
But unhappily it was in vain. Disgruntled customers came to the conclusion that
the decision had already been taken and the consultation was mere
window-dressing and a box-ticking exercise. In October 2015 it was announced
the Post Office would close and it finally happened on 13 February 2016. People
staged a candlelit vigil while Mr Sweetman displayed a wreath with the words Rest
in Peace Western Road Post Office. By June 2017 the premises remained
copyright © R. Jeeves
The street on the left is Brunswick Street East and in 1898 the shop on the
corner at numbers 22/23 was the West End Millinery and Drapery Company. From
the 1930s to 2016 number 22 served as a Post Office. |
23 – City Books. The premises were a greengrocer’s before it became
a bookshop. Paul and Inge Sweetman opened City Books in 1986. They both
had previous experience in the book trade and it was their dream to start up
their own business. The odds were stacked against them because many shops in
the Brunswick Town area had a poor track record in keeping open. Indeed on the
their very first day and within half an hour of opening a pessimistic local
resident told them their business was not likely to last for three months. It
is pleasant to record that in 2017 the business is still flourishing.
Sweetman remembers how nervous they were on that first day. When he
unexpectedly took an order for a book costing £30 his hand was shaking because
it seemed such a lot of money.
has not all been plain sailing of course. In the 1990s for instance the outlook
was grim because the net book agreement was abolished. This was a pact whereby
books were sold at the same price in every bookshop. Then in 1998 Borders opened
in Churchill Square. In response, the Sweetmans began staging outside events,
attended various festivals to sell books and introduced some very successful
book-signings at the shop by celebrity authors, some of whom were as follows:
2011 – England cricketer Graeme Swann The Brakes are Off
2011 – Harry Hill The Bumper Book of Bloops
2012 – Clare Balding My Animals and Other Family
2012 – Sir David Attenborough Drawn from Paradise
2013 – Sussex and England cricketer Matt Prior
2014 – Haruki Murakami, one of Japan’s favourite authors, Colourless
Tsuukura and His Years of Pilgrimage.
events were certainly worth staging and Graeme Swann signed 100 copies of his
book. There were queues around the block for Clare Balding and when Sir David
Attenborough was there for his new book on exotic birds, 400 copies were sold. City
Books has become something of a local legend and features in no less than
four books by best-selling crime author Peter James.
copyright © J.Middleton
John Bright was so proud of his Christmas Poultry Show in 1905 that he
a photograph of it. He must be the man standing centrally wearing
a bowler hat while
his two assistants wear flat caps. All three men are
equipped with long, hooked poles
to more easily reach whatever might be
required from the hanging display. |
24 – In 1898 John Bright ran a grocery and provision store on these
premises. At Christmas 1905 he mounted a magnificent show of best quality
English poultry. But was this just for the festive season? He was obviously not
a traditional butcher and would have been encroaching on his neighbour Mr
Combridge’s long-established business. In the 1930s the shop was still a
grocer’s but now run by the International Tea Company.
copyright © R. Jeeves
Combridge the butcher occupied premises at numbers 26/27. It was an
old-established family firm founded in 1838 and lasted until around 1908. |
26/27 – J.M. Combridge. In 1838 Mr J.M. Combridge established his
butcher’s shop at number 26. His son also joined the family business. By 1890
the shop had expanded to include number 27 and by the late 1890s it was the
grandson of the original founder who carried on the business. White Minton
tiles lined the shop throughout and there were marble counters. Only the
choicest goods were on sale and Little Park Farm, Hurst, supplied pork, butter
and eggs.
Combridge was chairman of Hurst Parish Council where he was recognised as one
of the best farmers in the district. The Hove shop lasted until around 1908.
copyright © D.Sharp
1911 advert from the Brighton Season Magazine |
27/29 – Diplock’s. This shop used to be number 24 but was re-numbered
in 1891. When it was still number 24 John Stent ran his business specialising
in china and glassware. A daguerreotype of around 1871 shows the façade
displaying a royal coat of arms. In 1884 Stent sold the shop to Samuel Diplock
who continued the same line of business. In 1897 Diplock must have been a busy
man because it was he who supplied the Hove authorities with around 2,500
special Diamond Jubilee cups to celebrate Queen Victoria having been on the
throne for 60 years on 22 June 1897.
copyright © J.Middleton
You could not describe this
Jubilee mug as elegant, but then it was intended for Hove
On that day there was a long procession of
Hove children to Hove Recreation Ground where entertainments of various sorts
were laid on with cakes and sweets for the children plus lemonade in the
special Jubilee cups. There was a portrait of the Queen on one side of the mug
circled by ‘Victoria 1837-1897’: the other side carried the Hove coat of arms
and motto surrounded by a wreath of roses, thistles and shamrocks.
From Hove’s Coronation Souvenir Book (1953)
Ring’s at numbers 29/30 was a well-known local firm |
on numbers 29/30 became Ring’s ‘Furnishers of Quality and Distinction’. W.J.
Ring was a Hove councillor and he must have made a success of his business
because his residence called Gables was in Tongdean Road. In 1948 his daughter
June married John Cutress at All Saints, Hove. Captain J.S. Cutress of the 11th
Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, served with distinction during the Second
World War, being awarded the Military Cross for single-handedly re-capturing a
strategic observation post and taking some 40 Germans prisoner. The couple had
four daughters. The Cutress family owned many local businesses and in 1936 took
over Forfar’s.
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
Brighton & Hove has a long association with language schools, this advert
for No. 30 in the Brighton Season Magazine dates from 1923. |
30a – Hole’s & Davigdor. In the 1930s this shop was an outlet
for Hole’s & Davigdor Hygienic Dairies. Sidney Hole built up a substantial
dairy farming business and ran farms near Brighton, Hurstpierpoint and at
Barcombe. By the 1920s he was farming at Preston Farm, Dyke Road / Withdean
Farm / Yew Tree Farm, on the other side of the Downs / North Park, Albourne and
Bishop’s Place. Besides the Western Road premises, he also had outlets at 174
Church Road, Hove / 26 St James’s Street, Brighton / 43 Sutherland Road, Kemp
Town / 14 Matlock Road, Brighton. Dairy activity was based in premises at The
Droveway, Hove.
around 1930 a model milk-bottling plant was established in Davigdor Road, Hove.
Passers-by could view, through the enormous windows, glass milk bottles
trundling along a conveyor belt to be filled with fresh milk. Sidney Hole used
to inspect the plant from time to time. He always refused to be shown round by
the manager because he said he knew where to look; since he was the boss and
resembled General Smuts nobody was going to argue. Indeed Sidney was something
of a workaholic and earned the nickname ‘Midnight Milkman’. Besides the dairy
industry, he wrote articles and booklets; he was also an inventor and reputed
to have invented a teleprinter and a submarine escape hatch. In addition he had
a hand in constructing electrically powered vehicles, including a milk-float.
Hole lived at 56 Dyke Road, Hove, and must have intended to be buried in Hove
Cemetery when the time came because he purchased a plot there in the 1920s. In
the event he later moved to Albourne, three miles west of Hassocks, and that is
where he died aged 88 in 1956. He was buried in St Batholomew’s churchyard,
copyright © J.Middleton
M .B. Anthony of No. 35 |
31 – Mr F.W. Yeomans established his shop in 1884. In 1894 Albert Hart ran
the place and he was a hosier. By 1935 it was noted as F.W. Yeomans Ltd.
hosier. Walter Riches carried on the business for around 40 years providing
quality hats and hosiery. When he retired in 1959 he gave his manager, Stanley
Purbrook the opportunity to purchase the business. Walter Riches died aged 91
in 1973 and in 1974 Mr Purbrook retired aged 68 and sold up.
Magic. The shop opened on 31 January 1998. It was Jocasta Innes’ fifteenth
shop; she made her name fifteen years previously when she published a book Paint
Magic that explained how to go about special paint effects to create
stylish interiors.
35 – For many years M.B. Anthony was the place to visit if you wanted a
luxurious fur coat. It is somewhat amusing to note that during the Second World
War the shop stocked ‘Utility’ fur coats. Whatever were they made of? Perhaps
rabbit skins? Unusually for the area the shop had a security gate locked at
night because of the value of the stock. The shop was still in operation in the
1960s. One Hove resident took her late mother’s precious fur coat to be valued
there, only to learn it was worth nothing; she cut it up and made fur hats,
which were in fashion at the time.
37 – I Gigi. Mother and daughter Hazel and Zoe Ellison moved from
Devon to set up their business selling women’s clothes in this shop; it opened
in 1999. In September 2009 You magazine (Mail on Sunday) ran a
feature about Zoe Ellison. By this time she had opened a second shop in Western
Road I Gigi General Store and she explained that this shop was big on
reclaimed items; there was also a in-house café upstairs. Zoe said ‘Hove had
what I needed, It offered a brilliant seaside location but sill had a lively
cosmopolitan feel.’ She is still in business in 2017.
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
Hardwick's of No 38 were the tenant farmers of Hangleton Manor Farm,
The family had a long association with St Helen's Church Hangleton,
many generations of the Hardwick family are buried in St Helen's churchyard |
copyright © J.Middleton
Freemasons’ Tavern can boast of having one of the most unusual pub frontages in the district. It was photographed on 16 May 2014. |
41 – E.A. Rose. He was a poulterer and game dealer who traded from
this shop for more than 40 years and in the latter days he was a fishmonger. By
2003 it had become David Rose Sports Shop.
copyright © D.Sharp
1908 advert from the Brighton Season Magazine |
Number 54
Thomas Lainson (1825-1892) was a
very busy architect and surveyor in Brighton and Hove. In the 1861
census he was living at this address with his wife Alice, aged 32,
their sons Thomas 6 and Arthur 2, and their daughters Alice 10, Emily
8, Lisette 3, and Rosa aged 8 months. Not surprisingly, there were
two servants in the household. Later on, Lainson’s professional
address was 170 North Street, Brighton. On 12 April 1875 he wrote to
the Royal Institute of British Architects applying for membership. He
stated that he had been ‘engaged in the independent practice of my
profession for fifteen years’. During the last seven years alone he
had been responsible for the following:
All the buildings on the Vallance
Adelaide Mansions
Lansdowne Mansions
Cliftonville Congregational Church
Norfolk Terrace, Brighton
Bristol Road Chapel, Brighton
Middle Street Synagogue, Brighton
New Club, King’s Road, Brighton
(in the course of construction in 1875)
At the time of writing, work was
in progress in his office on preparing designs for two hospitals, and
three country mansions. He was surveyor to the Vallance Estate, as
well as three other large estates, all in the process of being
developed. His request for membership was granted – moreover in
1877 he became a Fellow. Lainson also designed the following:
Brooker Hall, now Hove Museum,
completed 1877
Royal Alexandra Hospital for Sick
Children, Brighton, opened 1881, cost £10,500
Co-operative Supply Association
building, Holland Road, Hove, completed 1893
Thomas Lainson went into
partnership with his sons in 1881 and the practice then became
Lainson & Sons. The following list is of the streets for which
the Lainsons submitted plans to Hove Council, together with the year
of approval:
Brooker Street 1877
Byron Street, 1881, 1891, 1895
Cowper Street 1881
Montgomery Street 1881, 1889,
1890, 1892, 1893
Wordsworth Street 1881, 1882
Sackville Road 1881, 1891, 1895,
Shakespeare Street 1894, 1895
Coleridge Street 1894
Sheridan Road 1895
Stirling Place 1895
St Aubyns Mansions 1899
New Church Road 1900
Alterations to Fire Station,
George Street, 1907, 1908
Thomas Lainson died on 18 May 1898
and his sons carried on the family tradition and were both
architects. In 1882 Thomas James Lainson became an Associate of the
Royal Institute of British Architects, and ceased to be a member in
1910; he lived at Hove. Arthur H. Lainson became something of a
specialist in converting houses into flats and maisonettes. He was
especially busy during the First World War when ordinary
house-building was virtually at a standstill. His work included
houses in Brunswick Square, Brunswick Place, Brunswick Road, and The
Drive, while in 1920 he submitted plans for a bungalow in Glendor
48-59 – In 1893 William Hill, family draper, founded his business at 58
Western Road, Hove. By 1901 the business had expanded to include
numbers 56 and 57 as well. The family lived over the shop, as it
were, because the census of that year records them there. William
Hill lived with his wife who had the unusual family name of Parthenia
Mary Ann, sons William, Austen, and Leslie, and daughter Ruth. Ten
years later in 1911, the family were to be found at 88 Sackville
Road, Hove, and it seems that William Hill (junior) had joined the
family business. The other children recorded as living in Sackville
Road were Austen, daughter Parthenia, and son James.
copyright © R. Jeeves
For many years Hill’s of Hove was an up-market department store. |
The year 1911 was also the year
that the coronation of George V took place, and a special local
booklet was printed in celebration of the event, and included the
To a large and ever growing
clientele William Hill offers rare opportunities of securing smart
attire, according to the season, at wonderfully low prices … the
premises are airy and spacious, unfailing courtesy is displayed by a
large and efficient staff, and altogether shopping at Hill’s is a
rare delight.
on 9 July 1912 William Hill died suddenly at the age of 56. Since the
place of death was recorded as being 59 Western Road, he must have
been at work. Consequently, an inquest was held at Hove Town Hall,
and the verdict was that he died of natural causes. It may be that he
had experienced some extra stress in his life because later that
year, when probate was granted to his widow, she was living at
Parklands, Keymer Road, Burgess Hill, the property being leased.
Since at the inquest Austen Hill was recorded as living in Montefiore
Road, Hove, it seems likely that the family had moved from Sackville
Road sometime between 1911 and William Hill’s sudden death. The
probate reveals that William Hill was very far from being your
ordinary family draper. The ‘effects’ were £28,491-18-1d,
the ‘Resworn’ total was put at £28,257-19-2d.
Austen Hill served in France during the First World War, becoming a 2nd
lieutenant in the London Regiment. He died of his wounds on 3 June
1917. His name is on Hove’s Roll of Honour, as well as on the War
Memorial at Burgess Hill. (Information about the Hill family kindly
supplied by R. Hitchens).
1921 Messrs T. Garrett & Son drew up plans for alterations to 48, 49, 50
and 51 Western Road. Hove Council gave them planning permission provided the
management gave up some four of five feet of ground in front of their shops to
become a public pavement.
was a restaurant upstairs where fashionable ladies of Hove could partake of
morning coffee while watching elegant mannequins twirling about in the latest
1940 this restaurant was designated in a secret list as a possible rest centre
in the case of emergency because it could seat 150 people. By 1935 the store had expanded considerably, and now ranged from
number 48 to number 59.
Quested worked at Hill’s in the 1930s. She was an Old Girl of Hove County
School for Girls and she wrote about her experiences in the school magazine for
summer 1940. She was obliged to serve a two-year apprenticeship; the early
months were spent in dusting and tidying stock, learning how to fold up and
pack garments properly, observing how to address customers in a pleasing
manner, and lastly – a very important task – sanctioning, which meant verifying
a customer’s bona fide. Occasionally, if all the other assistants were
busy, she was permitted to sell a small item such as a beret. She worked in the
junior outfitting showroom and by 1940 she was considered to be an experienced
the 1950s Hill’s had a clothes workroom employing seventeen girls full time.
was considered a prestigious position to work at Hill’s, which was dubbed the
Harrods of the South Coast; in its glory days there was a waiting list of
people hoping to work there. The female staff had to dress in black or white
and no cardigans were allowed while jewellery was expected to be discreet.
Ellen Hutchinson worked at Hill’s for almost 26 years. She told a delightful
story about an elderly lady customer who was so shocked at seeing a bikini on
display in the window that she marched inside and demanded to see the manager.
She threatened to call the police if the offending garment were not removed.
the 1950s the wonderful old-fashioned latticework lift – the sort associated with
Parisian hotels – was still in operation. There was also a suitably impressive
staircase. In the central part of the ground floor there was a jewellery
counter where strings of poppets were to be found. These were all the rage at
the time and went with flouncing skirts and ponytails. Poppets were small
plastic beads that could be snapped together rather like Lego. Thus you could
have a necklace as long or as short as you liked with a bracelet to match. They
were in different colours with white or yellow being particularly popular. A
nearby counter sold embroidery requisites where ladies of leisure could
purchase cotton tray cloths or tablecloths stamped with attractive designs plus
embroidery silks, hoops and needles.
1949 the Hill family sold their interest in the store and Debenhams took it
over in later years. In around 1980 Plummer’s took over. Hill’s closed its
doors on 18 December 1982 causing the loss of 70 jobs. The remaining stock was
sent to Plummers in Southampton.
February 1983 London developers Hollin House proposed to put in separate shops
on the ground floor and make the upper floors into offices. But by November
1987 it was obvious there was no call for offices in this part of Hove because
none had been let in four years while the ground floor shops had all been let.
In November 1987 prospective purchaser, Alpine Property Hotels of Brighton,
sought planning permission to convert the upstairs in to 43 self-contained
flats, some with one bedroom, others with two. Architects Briault & Son of
Hove submitted plans.
61 – In the 1950s there was a celebrated bakery shop here called Zetland’s.
A great novelty was a plaited loaf topped with poppy seeds, which seemed
exotic fare indeed in those stark post-war times and people would queue up to
buy one. Their bakery was originally at the back of the premises in the mews
but by 1962 the bakery was in Stoneham Road.
63 – See under Hove Pubs- Wick Inn
copyright © J.Middleton
The Wick Inn is a lovely Victorian building on the corner of Western Road and Holland Road
and was photographed on 3 May 2014. |
79 – Page & Miles.
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
A 1914 Brighton Season Magazine advert |
They were a well-known firm of electrical contractors
and they also had a workshop in Castle Street, Brighton. The two men were
related, having married sisters. One of their earliest assignments was to
provide electric lighting for the Middle Street Synagogue, Brighton. Their
estimate of the cost of this undertaking came to £114-12s and was accepted. The
Synagogue thus became the first place of worship in the area to be lit by
celebrate Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee in 1897 Page and Miles garlanded the
exterior of the premises with white china roses holding an electric lamp in the
centre. Perhaps they thought it was a patriotic duty as well as a good
advertisement because it must be said that decorations at Hove for this
historic occasion were so muted as to be virtually non-existent.
82-83 – Palmeira Stores.
The premises were built in 1862/3 as the Palmeira
Hotel. But by 1866 the place was still unoccupied.
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
1927 advert from the Brighton Season Magazine |
the 1870s Brighton & Hove Co-operative Supply Association took over
the premises and re-furbished them; the date stone ‘1873’ can still be seen on
the top of the building on the east side. The store was opened in May 1873 ‘for
the purpose of furnishing members of the association with provisions and goods
of every description at economical rates, with expedition.’ The store owed its
inception to the energy of Thomas Henry Gilbert and he remained at the helm for
23 years before retiring in November 1896.
idea of the range of goods on offer can be gauged from an enormous catalogue
produced in 1891. People wishing to shop at Palmeira Stores had to be a member
of the association and pay an annual fee; they were issued with the relevant
following goods were itemised in the 1891 catalogue:
& House Repairs. Decorating and general repairs to the interior and
exterior of houses, together with glazing, plumbing, bell hanging, copper and
zinc work. Also on offer was ‘the new Diaphanies for decorating windows, the
nearest approach to Stained Glass and not affected by the sun’.
Department. Oriental Art Squares made and kept in stock.
& Glass Department. Well-known firms were represented such as Dresden,
Sévres, Burmantoft, Leeds and Worcester.
Fruit. Crystallised and glace fruit, new figs, muscatels, dates, pears and
plums. Confectionary and plum puddings.
Department. There was a stock of ladies’ and gentlemen’s umbrellas while
‘furs are greatly reduced to effect a clearance’.
Department. Palmeira, a good and serviceable soap, was for sale in tablets
/ 6d for a scented tablet / 5/6d for a dozen scented tablets / 3d for unscented
soap / 2/9d for a dozen unscented tablets. White lilac perfume was popular.
Department. A specialité of the house was dressed crabs and lobsters plus a
stock of Blundell’s potted lobsters. Oysters in prime condition.
Department. Horses foraged by contract. Horse shoeing arranged.
& Bedding Department. As well as furniture and bedding, every sort of
upholstery work could be undertaken. It was claimed ‘experienced men for
Jobbing Work kept at the stores’.
Department. All the newest indoor games and mechanical toys.
Department. Choice flowers and baskets of fruit to order for table
Department. Currants, sultanas, valencias, plums etc. bottled fruits and jams,
marmalade, sweet sliced mango at 1/3d per quart bottle. Field’s Cleopatra
Cutlery and Silver. Silver and electro-plated goods, cutlery, electroliers,
brass church furniture, the latest designs in lamp and candle shades, gas fires
and stoves.
Department. New Zealand mutton and lamb, English and Scotch mutton,
English, Scotch and American beef, veal, lamb, and Welsh mutton in season,
dairy-fed pork, salt beef.
Department. Chicken, duckling, duck, wild duck, geese, turkey, rabbit,
hare, pheasant, partridge, black game, widgeon, pigeon, wood pigeon and
Bourdeaux pigeon.
Department. A large assortment of cheeses, ham, brawn, tongue and sausages.
Recently added to stock, Alfriston dairy cream in jars, pâté de foie gras in
terrines, and tête de veau, truffled.
Department. Dressed crabs,
lobsters, tea and coffee, wines of every description, soups and salads.
Department. Strangely enough, you could also purchase pianos, banjos,
guitars and mandolins in this department.
and Coffee Department. Specially recommended Family Tea at 1/10d per 1lb
and new Palmeira Coffee Mixture at in 1lb or 2lbs tins at 1/- 1/2d or 1/4d per
Department. Phillip Morris’s cork-tipped cigarettes, W.D. & H.O Wills,
Gold Flake cigarettes, Saladin Egyptian cigarettes, etc. A large selection of
novelties and walking sticks.
Department. Attention is called to our champagne list, especially the
best-known brands of 1880 and 1884 vintages. Delamotte pére et fils 1884
vintage at 64/- and Chateau de Condé at 63/- being strongly recommended.
1893 the magnificent annexe in Holland Road was erected to the designs of
Thomas Lainson. It was built of red brick in Queen Anne style with charming
roof details and terracotta embellishments. There were five floors containing
lock-up depositories for household furniture and a strong room for plate. There
were also general warehouses, stables and van houses at the back.
July 1895 it was stated the association had to relinquish its retail beer
licence in order to have a licence to sell game, this apparently being a legal
stores were opened on 23 July 1895. A reading room was provided ‘well supplied
with daily and weekly literature’ with an adjacent refreshment room.
1897 Hove Council was presented with a petition signed by 54 people, all
ratepayers and property owners, complaining of the ‘intolerable nuisance’
caused in Lansdowne Street by the loading and unloading of vans.
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
1927 advert from the Brighton Season Magazine |
in 1897 it was stated that John Henry Sharp had been chairman of the company
for fifteen years while John Adam Thilthorpe and W.E. Hughes were joint
June 1908 Hove Council approved Lainson & Son’s plan for a new shop front.
to Mrs D. Martin, Edward VII once paid a visit to the stores, probably when he
was on one of his visits to the Sassoons at Hove. Mrs Martin’s father earned
his living as a coachman at the stores and as a child it was her task to take
his dinner to him. The commissionaire would usually take care of the dinner and
see it went to her father. But on one occasions the commissionaire said he
could not help her because the King was inside the store. Shortly afterwards,
the King emerged with a small terrier and climbed into the waiting car.
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove During
the First World War there were many fundraising events for
wounded soldiers held in Palmeira Stores. This September 1915
photograph from the Brighton Graphic shows a Mrs Sutton
Vane with helpers, selling flags in aid of Serbian Hospitals |
the Brighton Herald (23 October 1915) there was a short piece about the
re-furbished Palmeira Restaurant. It was situated on the upper floors and
consequently there were lovely views over Hove. The chairs were of pale oak and
the little electric lamps on the tables had red shades. When afternoon tea was
served, customers would be regaled by live music from a lady violinist and a
lady pianist and occasionally there would also be a singer. The restaurant used
crockery especially made by T. Hayward of Manchester. The white crockery had a
black and white chequered border and there was an oval medallion enclosing the
words ‘Palmeira Stores Hove’.
Sunday 14 February 1932 a fire broke out in the telephone room on the first
floor and spread to the furniture department. Fortunately, it did not reach the
chemical laboratory on the same floor. P.C. Stockwell raised the alarm at 7.30
a.m. After summoning the fire brigade, he rushed round to the home of Mr. W.N.
Keech, general manager, who lived in Holland Road. At one time the whole
building was under threat because the seat of fire was difficult to reach. It
was necessary to hoist hoses over several roofs at the back of the building in
order to reach the window of the telephone room. The commissionaire assured Mr
Keech that the gas supply was turned off and it was safe for firemen to enter.
Even so three firemen working on the staircase were overcome by heat and smoke
and had to be rescued. After that incident, artificial respirators were used
and it took two hours to quench the flames.
the aftermath of the fire Mr Keech summoned motor drivers to collect around 100
staff members from their homes to come and sort out damaged stock. He also
arranged for the wrecked telephone system to be replaced by a ten-line
telephone board the same day. On Monday morning it was business as usual.
1940 the restaurant was included in a secret list of places suitable for use as
an emergency rest centre should the occasion arise. There was a fully equipped
kitchen where food could be cooked for 100 people.
1954 Palmeira Stores was re-organised and all the food departments were sited
on the ground floor. Wine was still being bottled in the cellars and there was
a special service whereby customers could store their own wine in the cellars.
It was intended to build up the largest stock of carpets to be found at Hove.
The store enjoyed a good reputation for the quality of its second-hand
furniture and now it would sell new furniture as well.
Stores closed down in spring 1962.
firm Smart & Duffy restored the building and in October 1962 the Mayor of
Hove, Councillor W.E. Smith, opened the new branch of Maple’s; Gerald Holman,
president of Maple’s, accompanied the mayor. It is interesting to note that Mr
Holman’s great-uncle was Jeremiah Colman who was Mayor of Hove 1899-1902 and
married a Miss Maple. In 1986 it was stated that Maple’s of Hove would be known
as Gillow’s as part of a shake-up but evidently this was not followed through.
the 1990s the firm was in trouble while there was a legal wangle over Palmeira
House. Michael Norman purchased the premises from Guardian Royal Assurance some
five years previously and based his antique business there. He said that in
1991 Maple’s had wanted to extend its 35-year lease but now they wanted to
leave. Negotiations continued for a year but agreement could not be reached and
the doors finally closed at the end of April 1993.
Son & Pilcher held a sale in July 1998 and there were several items of
local interest including a stone hot-water bottle from Palmeira Stores.
copyright © D. Sharp
Palmeira Stores building's ground floor in 2017, now occupied by Tesco Express |
2005 the ground floor was in use as a Tesco Express while the rest of the
building had been converted into luxury flats. By this time the building had
been given Grade II listed status. In February 2005 Tesco was coming under
increased pressure to restore the windows to their former dimensions. The
windows had been altered illegally to comply with the Tesco corporate image of
dark blue plastic frames and the original brass frames had been removed. There
was to be a Public Inquiry into the illegal alterations but this was called off
when Tesco agreed to undertake remedial work. But the brass was gone and
instead there were expected to be new aluminium frames coated with a brass
finish. Tesco had also altered the size of the windows and lowered the ceiling
inside. But this feature remained and it creates a somewhat surrealist effect
with the lowered ceiling being clearly visible with darkness above.
83 – Williamson & Co. In 1898 James Williamson (1855-1933) the
famous Hove film pioneer moved from his previous chemist’s shop in Church Road,
to larger premises in Western Road, Hove. When Williamson made the move the
shop had the old numbering and was 55. In around 1904 Williamson sold the
business to Sanders & Crowhurst who advertised the premises as being ‘late
Williamson & Co’. The new owners continued in Williamson’s footsteps by
describing themselves as photographic dealers and X-ray specialists.
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
1917 advert from the Brighton Season Magazine for No. 84,
Dame Clara Butt was a World famous English contralto who lived in Hove and was born
in Southwick, West Sussex. |
90 – William Prior & Son. They are a firm of estate agents and
in April 1994 it was stated they had refurbished their offices at this address.
There was a new entrance from Western Road and disabled access from Lansdowne
Place. Prior’s have been at Hove since the 1930s and the founder’s grandson,
Simon Prior, was a director.
95 – Figure Shapers. In the 1990s this was a health and beauty
salon. Mrs Trisha Gaskell-Watkins was the business owner and she had the
temerity to erect three pink canopies outside the premises without seeking
planning permission. This resulted in a two-year wrangle with Hove Council
because the canopies contravened planning regulations in a conservation area.
The result was a 222-page Council dossier on the subject plus a Public Inquiry
held at Hove Town Hall with Mr D.J.T. Thew as the Inspector. In June 1992
Michael Howard, Environment Secretary, found in favour of Hove Council and
decreed the offending blinds must be removed by 4 September. Ironically, the
blinds would have had to be taken down because meanwhile they had been
vandalised. In July 1993 Mrs Gaskell-Watkins was furious when British Telecom
erected two telephone boxes just yards away from her salon; to rub salt into
the wound, they were embellished with a pink stripe across the glass panel. Apparently,
BT did not require planning permission for this installation but they did
consult with Hove Council who raised no objections.
copyright © D.Sharp
1908 advert from the Brighton Season Magazine for No. 96 |
copyright © D.Sharp
1908 advert from the Brighton Season Magazine for No. 98 |
100 – Lane & Stedman. This was a long established chemist’s
shop. During the Great Gale of 1987 the shop window was damaged but it was
carefully restored using traditional materials. In November 1991 the shop won
an award for the best-maintained original shop front. Today the familiar
carboys are still in place while the window is a delight with its unusual
wooden swirls
Number109 – Mr W.H. Caddy ran his furniture making business from this address in the 1930s. He was well known for his wood carving skills and he also taught at Hove Technical School in the 1890s where in October 1893 he received £1-17-1d for woodcarving materials and clay modelling tools. In December 1893 he was paid £18 for his lessons in wood-carving and clay modelling.
In 1912 Mr Caddy carved a reading desk out of solid oak for the use of the headmaster of the
Brighton, Hove & Sussex Grammar School to be installed at their new premises in Dyke Road. A Mr Caddy also made the wooden trestle tables and benches used at
Hove College, Kingsway plus the war memorial plaque that used to hang in the hall.
Number 112
– William Hepper was an artist who suffered from asthma so badly
that he moved to Hove in search of better health. From July 1952 to
December 1953 he lodged with Mrs D. M. Hewetson in Farm Road, but
then he moved to room 14 at this address. Although Felicity, the
hairdresser, occupied the ground floor, the rest of the house seemed
to have been let out as single rooms. Hepper’s room at the top of
the house was most probably once the servants’ quarters, and was
reached by separate, closed-in, stairs, while the rest of the house
was served by a grander staircase. Hepper’s room was north-facing,
which, being an artist was probably an advantage. David Bishop, the
caretaker, had only one leg; he had a room in the basement, and in
the boiler room was to be found the board containing spare keys.
Hepper’s artistic style was
traditional rather than modern, and he used to exhibit his work at
the open-air art exhibitions held on the sea-front during the summer.
One canvas featured a voluptuous Spanish lady dressed flamenco-style
in front of a bull-ring, but then his full name was William Sanchez
de Pinar Hepper. At one time he had worked for the BBC as a
Meanwhile, Hepper’s family
remained in London, and a daughter, Pearl, had a best friend called
Margaret Rose Louise Spevick, who lived nearby. Around Christmas time
1953 Margaret, aged 11, broke her wrist in an accident at her home in
12 Embankment Gardens. Hepper heard about the mishap and wrote a
letter to her parents, inviting the child to spend a fortnight’s
convalescence with him. He mentioned there was a trained nurse
sharing the flat, and he would also be able to paint Margaret’s
portrait, which he had long wanted to do. The parents did not think
there was anything to worry about, and so on Wednesday, 3 February
1954, Hepper arrived at their house, collected Margaret and her
mother, and off they went to Victoria Station. It was agreed that Mrs
Spevick would visit Hove on Sunday to see Margaret, and she waved
them off on the train.
Hepper killed the unfortunate
child, and the case caused such a sensation that soon the house and
that part of Western Road, was swarming with police, reporters
shouting at one another, and flash guns popping off. In all the noise
and confusion, some details were wrongly reported in the Press. For
example, David Bishop, the caretaker, was not present at the scene of
discovery, although it is not clear where he was.
At the time pregnant Mrs Martha
Sheminant, aged around 34, and her five-year old daughter, Lesley,
shared a room at the front of the house on the second floor. How this
came about is also unknown because there was a strict ‘no children’
policy. Anyway, at that time, Mrs Sheminant cleaned the hairdresser’s
shop, plus the common ways of the house, carried coals upstairs, and
also temporarily filled in for Bishop in his care-taking duties. On
one occasion her duties took her to the top floor and her daughter
was with her. Making their way downstairs again, they encountered
Hepper on his way up to his room. He greeted them in a friendly
manner, touched Lesley’s blonde hair, cupped her chin, and declared
her ‘Perfect for painting!’ Lesley still finds the memory
Since Bishop was not around, it
fell to Mrs Sheminant to fetch the spare key, and let tiny Mrs Spevik
into Hepper’s room because there was no reply to her knock on the
door. It was Mrs Sheminant, with young Lesley trailing behind her,
and Mrs Spevik, who discovered Margaret’s body. It had a dreadful
effect on all of them – poor Mrs Spevik had to lie down on one of
the beds in the Sheminant’s room, and both Mrs Sheminant, and
Lesley became ill afterwards. When men arrived to remove the body,
Lesley was sent to hide in the lavatory situated on the mezzanine
floor. She tried to watch events through a one-inch gap in the door,
but she could not see much because the stairway was dark, and
Margaret had been covered up before they brought her down on a
stretcher. But Lesley did hear many softly-uttered ‘Careful’ and
‘Gently’ as though the child were still alive.
Margaret had been raped and
strangled, most probably with the sling from her arm. There was an
unfinished portrait of her on the easel nearby. Margaret was buried
in the north part of Hove Cemetery on 12 February, and the time of
the interment was purposely changed in order to avoid a crowd of
on-lookers. Mr and Mrs Spevick, Superintendent Nicholson, and six
Hove detectives attended the funeral. Later on, Mrs Spevik sent a
letter to Mrs Sheminant thanking her for her kindness. Lesley still
visits Margaret’s grave occasionally. (With thanks to Lesley
Sheminant for her eye-witness account and for setting the record
straight at last).
hunt was now on to find Hepper, and for the first time television was
used in an effort to locate his whereabouts. Hepper had fled to
Spain, and although he was soon arrested, the police had to wait
while extradition procedures were completed. On 12 March the Spanish
government gave their permission, and Hepper, accompanied by two
British police officers, set sail from Vigo aboard the Alcantara.
ship docked at Southampton on 23 March, and the next day Hepper
appeared at Hove Magistrates’ Court. Hepper’s trial at Lewes took
place from 19 to 22 July – the jury taking less than two hours to
arrive at their verdict of guilty. On 11 August 1954 Hepper was
hanged at Wandsworh Prison.
Number 114a – In 1898 the West End Billiard Saloon was to be found in these upstairs premises. The weight of a billiard table meant that the space was quite strong enough to become home to a gymnasium later on. For many years if you wanted to undertake physical exercise, the Rolts were the people you consulted. Percy Stuart Rolt started off his career at Hove by entering into a partnership with Captain Charles Hutton Moss, president of the National Society for Physical Education, who later became an instructor at Brighton College. They ran the well-known establishment called Moss’s Gymnasium in Holland Road. ‘Grecian games’, cycling, lawn tennis and every kind of athletic recreation could be indulged in.
Percy Stuart Rolt was also a member of the British Society for Physical Training, and had been a Lieutenant in the RNVR. He was a certificated pupil of Yukio Tani and Professor Vigny, and he specialised in fencing and wrestling. Later on he added membership of the English Folk Dancing Society to his credentials. Rolt went on to take over ownership of the building in Holland Road and ran it with Captain F.L. Rolt, assistant superintendent of Physical Training of the British Forces.
On 31 July 1929 Percy Rolt sold the Holland Road building for £5,500 to the trustees of the Hove Hebrew Congregation. The building was converted into a synagogue that opened in 1930. Captain Rolt continued with the business at 114a Western Road and was still there in the 1930s.
Number 120 – A. Esmé Collings (1859-1936) ran his photographic business from this shop from 1893 to 1916; in 1905 the business became a limited company. Collings was one of the Hove Film Pioneers; he knew
George Albert Smith and
James Williamson who were both based at Hove, and the engineer Alfred Darling who lived in Brighton and gave Collings technical advice. Collings also knew
William Friese-Greene who came to live at Hove later on. Indeed the two had enjoyed a thriving business partnership in the 1880s with a chain of photographic studios, three in London, two in Bath and one at Brighton. Presumably Freise-Greene was the senior partner because the cabinet photographs they produced carried the legend ‘Friese-Greene and Collings’. However, after a blazing row, the men ended their partnership and split the business between them.
was the first of the group to take up cinematography and he produced his first
film in 1896 entitled The Broken Melody. It was a short, dramatic piece
in which Paul, a heart-broken musician, seeks solace in playing his cello. As
he plays, his estranged wife Vera enters the room but he is so absorbed by his
music that he does not notice her. When he finished his solo, she touches his
arm and soon they are locked in a passionate embrace. This scene always
elicited loud applause.
in 1896 Collings filmed Bathers on the Beach at Brighton and the oldest
surviving ‘blue’ film showing a lady removing copious outer garments, including
stays and black stockings, to finally reveal a long, loose shift.
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
1911 advert from the Brighton Season Magazine for No.120 |
Restaurants, Cafés and Bars
5 – In 2014 the Golden Grill was one of three kebab outlets in
Western Road.
6 – In 1985 when it was numbered 5/6 the restaurant was called Casbah;
in November 1993 this business became bankrupt. After that it became the Cherubino,
an Italian restaurant. But by 1998 it was called Pars and
specialised in Goan food. By May 2014 there was both a Casba and Casba
2 in Western Road. By 2017 Casba had new ‘foodie’ neighbours Bee’s
Mouth and Almoosh.
9 – Keates’ Coffee House was here in 1898.
Peking Restaurant was in operation during the 1990s and in 1992 Mr C.
Lin was the proprietor. But by 2001 it had become Golden Palace restaurant
serving Peking, Cantonese and Szechaun dishes. Linda and Jimmy Lai ran it with
help from Wei Wei. The couple turned the business around into a popular venue
within a year.
10 – Space Gallery Café opened in 2002.
11 – In the 1990s there was a Chinese restaurant called Mayflower. In
1992 Cyril was the proprietor; it had closed by 2002.
12 – In 1935 this was home to Green Lantern Tea Rooms.
15 – In 2002 there was restaurant called New Mermaid.
16 – A restaurant named Gobbs was here in 2003.
copyright © D.Sharp
In this 1907 advert from the Brighton Season Magazine, Maynards
show the address of their Western Road branch as No.25.
By 1914 Brighton's 'Maynards' had expanded its operations to
160 branches and five factories in various parts of England |
copyright © D.Sharp
This pre-1934 Forfar shop sign at No. 25 Western Road, Hove came to
light in August 2016 when renovations were
being carried out. |
29 – The Hungry Elephant, Asian barbecue was located in these
premises. In 1999 it became Gan Bei, a Chinese restaurant
40 – In 1984 Twizzle’s was in business and it was owned by Chris
Davies and his girlfriend Twizzle. By 2002 the establishment was the Naff
Caff. By 2017 it had become Morella Zorella.
41 – La Cave à Fromage. This is a high-class establishment
specialising in cheese. It also provides a choice of foods from Greece, Spain,
Portugal, Italy, France plus local produce. In December 2012 David Deaves was
the manager. In December 2014 a unique tasting event was held at the shop, the
first of its kind on the south coast. A ticket cost £15 and for that as well as
a taste of various cheeses you could expect crackers, butter and fruit; wine
was also to be served. Dan Akers devised the event, which he said was to be run
along the lines of a game show with contestants pitting their wits and their
taste buds against each other. Dan Ackers was responsible for creating the
popular Periodic Table of Cheese.
In May 2016 it was
reported that David Deaves of La Cave would be supporting the popular
Hove Food & Drink Festival by providing one of the highlights while at the
same time attempting to break the world record. He proposed to create the
world’s largest cheese board with over 100 different cheeses from all across
Europe. On Sunday morning VIP guests would be greeted with a complimentary
glass of Moët et Chandon Imperial champagne, before opening up the board
to the general public. It seemed people were excited at the prospect and some
1,300 announced on Facebook that they intended to visit.
was a great shock when La
Cage a Fromage abruptly
closed its doors on Thursday 8 August 2109. It was particularly
traumatic for the loyal staff who knew the management were in
difficulties, but had been assured their jobs were safe. They went
to a staff meeting a 10. a.m. only to be told they had precisely two
hours in which to pack up their belongings and leave the premises. It
was not an easy assignment for the manager either who had the
unenviable task of dropping the bombshell. It seemed such a cruel
gesture when staff had worked long hours, and rallied around when the
premises were burgled recently. Itsvan Dabronyi was in the shop on
his own and was injured when the burglar attacked him. The other two
employees – James Edwards and Alex Griffin – were said to be
stunned at losing their jobs as well. The trio were also upset at not
being able to say a proper ‘good-bye’ to their customers - ‘so
many lovely people’. (Argus
August 2019)
It is pleasant to record that the
premises re-opened in February 2020. The business belongs to the same
owners as before, and David Deaves, former manager of La
is also manager of the new venture, plus many of the staff have been
re-employed. However, since the emphasis has changed, a new name was
required. The new venture is specialising in British produce and so
the new name is Curds
and Whey from
the old nursery rhyme Little
Miss Muffet. Curds
and whey both derive from milk but whereas whey is the watery part of
milk, curds become cheese when solidified by acid. But
Curds and Whey is
not excluding cheeses from abroad, and will host guest cheeses from
is also more choice of wine with an incredible roll-call of over 300
different varieties from all over the world, while Sussex is
represented by some bottles of sparkling wine from the Bluebell
Vineyard, near Uckfield. As for cheeses, there are some rare
specialities from Sussex. For example, there is ‘Seven Sisters’,
a cheese made from goat’s milk with a coating of seaweed, and
‘Burwash’ a cheese flavoured with English rose water. (Argus
February 2020)
Number 42 – Quentin’s.
In August 1993. Quentin and Candy Fitch owned it and Jason Chaston was the
chef. In January 1994 the restaurant offered a free taxi ride home for
customers who reserved a table on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday nights and
they could also have a free liqueur. Hove Police praised the initiative as part
of the fight against drink driving.
May 2001 it was stated that Anthony Sturge was the new proprietor and head
chef. For ten years the restaurant was called Graze; then Kate Alleston
and Neil Mannifield gave the place an extensive make-over costing £20,000 and
re-named it Market. The dining area was smaller than formerly, mustering
only 50 covers; instead there was a bar and kitchen running the length of the
establishment. A retro look was achieved by the use of Victorian-style green
Metro tiles. Graze finds itself in a ‘foodie’ area and La Cave à Fromage and Sage and
Relish were neighbours. By 2017 Sage and Relish had closed.
47 – Le Grand Cochon, delicatessen and sandwiches, was located here
by 2002 and it is still in business in 2016. By 2017 the business had been
re-named Hell’s Kitchen.
copyright © D.Sharp
T. Martin Linsdell ran his chocolate business from No. 47 in 1908
advert from the Brighton Season Magazine. |
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
This advert from the Brighton Season Magazine shows No. 47 Western Road became a branch of Fuller's tea rooms in 1914 |
60 – The Tea Planter’s Tiffin House was here in 1987. Tea Planters
Restaurants Ltd., a company set up by Leicester Holdings, owned it. The same
company also owned the Alexandra Hotel in Brunswick Terrace.
was replaced by the Wall Street Brasserie, which opened in
November 1988.
Bar de la Mer was here by 1993; Gavin Marks ran it with Alex Halsey as
the chef. Gavin Marks used to run a restaurant in Camden Town called Ruby in
the Dust. It closed in 1995.
Thai Restaurant opened in 1995. In May 2009 it was reported that the UK
Border Agency made a raid on the premises and arrested a Brazilian national.
The outlet was called Jasmine but by 2017 it was closed.
62 – Grubb’s was there by 2002 and it is still in business in 2017.
It serves both beef burgers and a vegetarian option.
64 – An Italian restaurant called Sole Mio opened here in 1998.
National Westminster Bank was the former occupier of the premises but it was
tastefully converted into enough dining space to seat 75 customers with ease.
It has changed hands at least a couple of times since then but in 2017 it is
still a restaurant called Fishmerket.
73A – Thai Bycee was there in 1992 and was still in business in
79-80 – Almas, ‘Lebanese cuisine at its finest’ here in 2016.
81 – Situated on the corner of St John’s Road this establishment enjoyed
the distinction of being Hove’s oldest café, having opened its doors in 1884.
the 1890s Albert Jury ran the Refreshment Rooms
1910 it was G.S. Samway’s Dining Rooms
1918 E.P. Birch ran the Dining Rooms
the 1930s A. Gainsford Stott ran the Palmeira Tea Rooms
the War Sidney Dawkins took over
1954 it was Dawkins & Porter
1960 it was Divall’s Snack Bar
1969 it was Ellison’s Café
1971 it was the Four Seasons
1973 it was Palmeira Café
July 2006 it was stated that the establishment had been refurbished and a new
lease was on offer. But you needed to pay a rent of between £25,000 and
£30,000; in addition you could have a premium in the leasehold interest by
paying in the region of £115,000. For all this outlay there was the café with
just 50 covers, a cast-iron shop-front and period timber. By 2017 the outlet
was called Buon Appetito.
Numbers 86 / 87
Patisserie Valerie was situated on the north side of Western Road. But it was not exclusive to Hove and was part of a much larger chain. It seemed to be well patronised and when news leaked out that it might have to shut, it came as a complete surprise. The problem no doubt arose from over-expansion, and in January 2019 the administrators announced that 71 branches of Patisserie Valerie would have to close down, including the premises in East Street, Brighton. Meanwhile, the branches in Hove, Eastbourne and Chichester would remain open in the hopes that suitable buyers might come forward. At Hove, that did not happen, and the premises were closed by the summer. (Brighton & Hove Independent 25 January 2019)
102-106 – In 1976 Richard Curd opened Richard’s and originally it
was a small place formerly occupied by a sandwich bar. Then in 1980 he enlarged
his floor space by taking over the next-door shop. The establishment then
became a restaurant specialising in English and Continental food and won
mentions in the Good Food Guide and Egon Ronay. For two years
running the restaurant won the top award in Les Routiers.
1990 Mr Curd transformed the premises into a continental brasserie. The
business was expanded to cover numbers 101-106. In June 1999 it was said that
champion boxer Chris Eubank was a regular at Richard’s and it was the
place to be seen. Also in June 1999 Richard’s
applied for retrospective planning permission for two long banners
advertising the restaurant, which were already in place.
2002 there were plenty of chairs and tables outside the premises for customers
who liked to sit in the sun. Sometimes there was live jazz too.
2015 the restaurant was numbered 102-105 – perhaps it had shrunk? It had become
Hove Kitchen and was still very popular. By May 2015 it went under the
name of The Good Food Club. By 2017 the name had changed again and for
some reason it is called Six. It now boasts of being a health food café.
There are chairs and tables outside, excellent for people watching, while
inside the large space is divided up into separate dining areas with different
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
1927 advert from the Brighton Season Magazine for No.102 |
copyright © D.Sharp
J. Ireland ran this unusual combination of a cutler and optician business from No. 103 in 1908
advert from the Brighton Season Magazine. |
copyright © R. Jeeves
This elegant shop front at number 104 displays busts of two women sporting
extravagant coiffures.
There was still a hairdresser here in the 1930s. Today a
restaurant occupies this site. |
107 – This shop had
a long tradition as a family-run business. It all started after the
Second World War when Frederick Patten left the RAF. He had been busy
for many years using his expertise in repair/maintenance for the
benefit of the Military, and was once part of 103 Maintenance Unit,
stationed in Aboukir, Egypt in the late 1903s. The top brass from the
Middle Eastern Command certainly knew where to go when their precious
watches needed to be repaired. In
1947 Frederick Patten opened his small watchmaker’s shop at 31
Church Street, Brighton, but from 1958 the business was located at
107 Western Road, where it remained for all of fifty-seven years.
Patten’s son followed in his father’s footsteps in more ways than
one. For a start, he shared the initial ‘F’ in his Christian
name, although he was ‘Frank’ rather than ‘Frederick’. Then,
after a stint in the RAF,
he joined the family’s jeweller’s and clock-maker’s business.
Frank Patten celebrated
his 68th
birthday on 30 January 2015, and decided it was time to shut up shop.
But probably, the art of watch repairing was too deeply ingrained to
give up completely, and he resolved to carry working on-line. In
2021 this small shop is still in operation as a jeweller’s under
the name of Jay’s.
117 – The Doo Duck Inn was here in the 1990s but closed in 1997 and
became Frogan’s Vegetarian and Organic Restaurant. This did not last
long and closed in 1998. By September 1998 it had become P.J.’s Café.
121 – In the 1950s there was a popular restaurant called the Daytona. In
those days there was not nearly such fierce competition as there is today. In
December 1992 a new restaurant opened called the Khary King and Syed
Abdul Karim was the manager. By 2002 the restaurant was called Ipanema and
had recently expanded to include the first floor of the building formerly
occupied by a fitness gym.
By 2016 the restaurant was called Archipelagos specialising in Greek cuisine. TripAdvisor ranked it first out of 185 restaurants in Hove.
130 – This was the former HQ of the Sussex Mutual Building Society. But it
remained empty for many years and it was not until 1998 that Bar Med opened
there. Surrey Free Inns carried out the conversion at a cost of £850,000. There
was a dance floor, lounge and bar area. It was the fifth Bar Med in
Britain but the first in Sussex. The opening night party was on 8 December 1998
and featured Surf FM’s Mick Fuller and Mike Pantelli. During the day a
Mediterranean-style menu was on offer and in the evening the venue became a
lively place for young people with DJs playing a selection of music. The
location for Bar Med was especially chosen because there was no such
place catering for younger people in the area.
December 2000 it was disclosed that three former members of the French Foreign
Legion were working at Bar Med. They were 40-year old Glynn Ford, former
bodyguard to an Arab royal family and now operation manager of all Bar Meds in
the south, and Dean Huish aged 39, both from Cardiff originally. The two men
had been new recruits together in the French Foreign Legion in 1985 but had
lost touch for thirteen years. When new security manager, Rick Cowland from
Eastbourne, was hired, it transpired he too was a former legionnaire.
the bold venture did not last long and by 2002 it had become the Litten
Tree. This too had a short stay and the builders were in yet again by June
2003. Then it became the Providence. It at least lasted longer that the
previous two. In June 2010 it was rumoured that Tesco was interested in taking
over the premises. Sally Adams, the Providence manager confirmed this;
she was due to take over management of the Thomas Kemp in Kemp Town in
the event it was not Tesco but the Southern Co-operative that opened for
business there in December 2011; it is a separate business from the national
Co-operative Society. In October 2016 it was reported that there had been no
less than 40 thefts in the store and local people were inclined to blame the
lack of visible police officers or PCSOs in the area.
copyright © D. Sharp
A section of Western Road Hove looking west in 2017 |
Street Directory 1898
James & Parker, auctioneers and estate agents
Le Feuve, W.John, tobacconist
Fakler, V, watchmaker and jeweller
Thorn & Vosey, grocer & provision merchant
Rowe, A. wine, spirit and beer merchant
Downard, S.W. & Co. shirt-maker & hosiers
New Hudson Cycle Extension Co.
Webb, T.W. fancy fair & stationery store
Kilmister, T. Boot & shoemaker
Keates’ Coffee House
Banfield, Son & Co. furnishing ironmongers
Harvey, Charles, India rubber store
Leeney, H. & Son, tailors
Bennett, George, fruiterer, and agent for Royal Insurance Co.
Watts, Mrs Berlin wool warehouse
Watts, Charles, builder
Dennis, J. umbrella maker
Pears, Kilby & Son, pharmaceutical chemists
Brighton, Hove & Sussex Auxiliary Supply Association Ltd. wine & spirit
merchants, L. Dorman, secretary
Mills & Pannett, drapers
Robinson, H.B. ironmongers & electrical engineers
Carden, C.R. hatter
Western Hotel, Bottrill
& 23. West End Millinery & Drapery Co. ladies outfitters
Bright, John, grocer & provisions
Clark’s Bread Company Ltd. bakers and pastry-cook
& 27. Combridge, J.M. butcher
Killick’s Dairy, W.F. Knight, manager
Diplock, Samuel & Son, china & glass warehouse
Salmon, F.W. & Sons, chemists
Wilkinson, Son & Welch, auctioneers, estate & house agents, valuers,
Brighton Union Bank, Barclays, John
Pocock Esq. Manager
Masterton & Co. cigar importers
Cripps, Walter, boot maker
Hart, Albert, hosier
Banfield, Son & Cole, furnishing ironmongers
Lewis, Joseph, watchmaker
Florence, Henry E. butcher
Belgravia Dairy Co. W.B. Spikens, manager
Blackman, Charles, fishmonger & poulterer
Walser, James, booksellers, stationery & newsagent
Cheesman, R. & C.fruiterers
Robinson & Dredge, ladies & children’s outfitters
Freemason’s Tavern, George Hounsell
Gilbey, H. baker & pastry-cook
Rose, E.A. fishmonger, poulterer, & game dealer
Malin & Wright, grocers and provision dealers
Cobbold & Co. wine & spirit merchants
Bailey, Edward, watchmaker
Co-operative Coal Association, C.M. Perkins, manager
Madame Tryphenè, corset maker
Berners, F.L. electrical engineers
Smith & Co. auctioneers & house agents
& 49. Nell, W. fruiterers
Cross, W.E. stationer, librarian & printer
Hunter’s Dairies & Provision Warehouse, J.R. Hunter, manager
Evershed & Sons, jewellers
Hrebicek, A. ladies tailor
Frowd, C.F. Central Dairy
Stone, C. Barrington, surgeon, dentist
Hamilton, A.B. ladies outfitter
Pearse, G. Herbert, sanitary woollen depot
Ford, W.A. Chiropodist
Hill, W. general and fancy draper
Diplock & Son, house agents
Madame Elise, dressmaker
Brown, T. & Son, tailors
William Watts & Co. colliery agents & coal merchants, Mr J.C.H. Terry,
Herbert, Joseph, butcher
Wick Inn, J.T. Hall
London & County Bank, Mr H. Rashleigh, manager
Long, H. chemist
Barbellion & Buè, French coos &
Shoreham Shipping Co. (coal department) Mr C.E. Banger, manager
West End Registry Office
Bushell, T. umbrella maker
Watkins, James, fruiterer
Dale & Co, tailors
Maynards Ltd. confectioner
Cowley’s Dairy
National Standard Bread Co. Ltd. Mr C. Robertson, secretary
Home & Colonial Tea Co. Ltd.
J.P. tobacconist
Palmeira Window Cleaning Co.
Anderson & Grey, corn merchants
Anthill, A.E. gilder & picture frame maker
Smith, G.B. stationer, bookseller & printer
Page & Miles, Electric light engineers & contractors
Shepperd, T.W. boot & shoe-maker
Jury, Albert, refreshment rooms
& 83. Brighton & Hove Co-op Supply Association Ltd. Palmeira House, Mr
J.A. Thilthorpe and Mr W.E. Hughes, joint managers
Brighton, Hove & Sussex Auxiliary Supply Association, Mr L. Dorman,
Cresswell, H. decorative tile, iron & marble merchant
Muddle, E.J. furnishing ironmonger
Creswell, A. surveyor, builder
Frowd, J. Lansdowne Dairy
Vernon, J. Tobacconist & cigar merchant.
English & American cycle agency
Boniface & Son, builder
Cottis, Mrs & Midd, scientific dressmakers
Devereux, F.O. photographic artist
Boatwright, M. dressmaker
Collings, Mrs A. governess & domestic agency
Headland’s chemist’s stores
Walker’s Dairies, Mr. A.J. Marks, manager
Cheesman, Messrs C.T. & Co. coal & coke merchant
Agents, Portland cement
Smith, Miss E. Bank House, boarding house
Dudney, Son & Co. brewers, wine & spirit merchants
Ashdown & Co. dyers & cleaners
West End billiard saloon, Mr C. Poundsberry, proprietor & billiard table
Herring, Son & Daw, auctioneer, surveyor & estate agent
Flinn & Son, steam dyers, cleaners & plumassiers
Hilton, Joseph, estate agent
Collings, A. Esmé, photographer
Newington & Pepper, coal, coke, lime & cement merchant
Post Office & Postal Telegraph
Nye, C. & Sons, coal merchant
Bridle, Henry W. boot & shoe maker
Humber & Coventry cycle agency
Sayers, M. model dairy, Roedale Farm
Brighton & South Coast Railway booking & parcel office
Street Directory 1934/5
Tivoli, cinema
Chapman, S.R. tobacconist
Sainsbury, John Ltd. provision merchant
Findlater, Mackie & Co. Ltd, wine merchants
Downard, S.W. & Co. shirt makers and hosiers
Bradshaws, cycle dealers
Breach, Robert, solicitor
& 8. Andrews, W.M. trunk & portmanteau dealer
Early & Son, dealers in works of art
Lennox, John, fancy draper
Forward & Son, boot makers
Green Lantern, tea rooms
Murray, J.W. confectioner
March, Miss, confectioner
Sports Shop (B.P. Cook) racquet specialists
Jackson, F.C. dispensing chemist
Foster, T. & Co. wine & spirit merchant
& 19. Madame Evelyn, milliner
Arthur & Co. costumiers
Hotel, Edlins Ltd.
Post Office
National Insurance Audit Dept.
Grey, Jane, milliner
International Tea Co’s Stores Ltd. grocers
Forfars Ltd. bakers
Maison Francis, ladies hairdresser
Lawleys (1921) Ltd. china shop
Madame Strong, modes
Ring’s, complete house furnisher
Salmon, F.W. & Sons, chemists
Limpus & Son, builders
Hole’s & Davigdor Hygienic Dairies
Barclays Bank Ltd. R.C. Harvey
Finlay & Co. tobacconists
Maynards, confectioners
Cook, L. & Co. Ltd. fruiterers
Yeomans, F.W. Ltd. hosier
Rayner & Keeler Ltd. dispensing optician
Parks, Joseph Henry, butcher
Lansdowne Domestic Agency. D. Crawford I. Bromwich
Petty, George E. confectioner
Wilson’s fishmonger
Breach, William, fruiterer
Freemason’s Tavern, Frank Dickerson
Gigins Ltd. bakers
Bush, Henry T. sign-writer
Wright & Son Ltd. grocers
Robins, E. & Son Ltd. wine merchants
Palmer, Ernest, tobacconist
Leon et Cie, costumiers
Tulley’s (C.B. Tulley) estate agent
Frowd & Hardwick, dairy
Lansdowne Road
William Hill (Hove) Ltd.
Brown, T. & Son, tailor
Frowd & Hardwick, dairies
Conway & Awcock, upholsterer
Stroud, E. upholsterer
Wick Inn, William Urquhart
Holland Road
Westminster Bank, Mr H.F. Buss, manager
Sharmans, Davis P. Estate agent, surveyor, auctioneer
Brighton Window Cleaning Co,
Humphrey, R.C. accountant
Premier Stamp Co.
Jacquery, E. confectioner
Madame Chazalon, art needlework
Packett, J.A. Ltd. shirt makers
Prince, K.W. boot-maker
Field, M.J. employment agency
Winter, F. fruiterer
Maison Eade, ladies hairdresser
Maynard’s Ltd. confectioner
Lambert & Whistlecroft Ltd. radio dealers
Pride, T.L. opticians
Burkett, E. tobacconist
Home & Colonial Stores
Kirby’s Health Food Stores, H.G. Smith
Valting tailors
Walser, J. stationer
Antill, A.E. picture-frame maker
Palmeira Tea Rooms, A.G. Storr
& 83. Palmeira Stores
Brighton & Hove Wine Co. Ltd.
Selig, J.R. hairdresser
Day & Sons, auctioneers, surveyors, valuers, estate agents
& 87. Baxter, R. fruiterer
& 89. Hall & Co. Ltd. coal merchant, builders’ merchant
Pickfords Ltd. shipping agents
Midland Bank, Mr A.C. Alexander, manager
Hewett Brothers, motor-cycle agents
Quick Service dry cleaners
Peggy’s wool shop
Southern Publishing & Advertising Co.
Dixey’s Ltd. ophthalmic opticians
Ogden, H. confectioner
Electrolux Ltd. vacuum cleaners
Sayers, Miss ladies hairdresser
Blaker, J. newsagent
Lane, Sidney W. pharmacist
Belgravia Dairy Co.
Farm Road
Grenville, W. antiques
Duly’s typewriting service
Gainsboro, milliner
Jackson, J. hairdresser
Walser, J. stationer
Swift & Presswell, valet service
Brighton Brothers, confectioners
Caddy, W.H. furniture maker
New London & Brighton Estates Ltd.
Lowman, A.R. confectioner
Felicity, ladies & gentlemen’s high-class hairdresser
Madame Jardine, milliner
Delphine, milliner
Ratcliffe, H. costumier
Gymnasium Captain F.L. Rolt
Moody’s Motors Ltd. auto engineers & agents
Shoreham Shipping & Coal Co.
– Stonehams (Hove) Ltd motor showroom
Coastal libraries
Jacob, Mary, modiste
Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Hoover Ltd. vacuum cleaners
Nye C. & Sons, coal merchants
Bridle, S.R. bootmaker
Banfield’s Ltd hardware store
Johnson, Miss, florist
Augustine, dressmaker
Partington, L.Gg linen agent
Southern Counties Princess Laundry
Madge, A. coal merchant
Piper, L.H. watchmaker
York Road
Ellis, W.J. tobacconist
Baynard, L.B. Ltd chemists
Boundary Passage
copyright © D. Sharp
Boundary Passage separates Western Road, Hove from Western Road, Brighton. |
J.Middleton Encyclopaedia of Hove and Portslade
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
Thanks are due to Robert Jeeves of Step Back in Time 36 Queen’s Road, Brighton, BN1 3XD for allowing me to reproduce five of his photographs
Copyright ©
J.Middleton 2017
page layout by D.Sharp