Judy Middleton 2002 (revised 2021)
copyright © D.Sharp
Aldrington Recreation Ground looking west to the Saxon Road pavilion |
Wish Mead
On 26 November 1895 Hove Commissioners resolved to
call the proposed park Aldrington Recreation Ground. Although this is
still the official title, local people refer to it as Wish Park.
Indeed, today’s community group is called Friends of Wish Park,
which it must be admitted is a snappier title than Friends of
Aldrington Recreation Ground. To add further confusion to the issue,
in the early days photographers and newspaper reporters referred to
it as Marine Park.
The word ‘wish’ goes back a long way and
derives from the Old English word ‘wisc’ meaning a marshy meadow,
a short and accurate description of the land. By 1833 the name of
the land had changed to Wish Mead, and it appeared in a map drawn by
Figg & Son of Lewes, showing that Wish Mead was 27 acres in
extent. At that time Wish Mead formed part of Red House Farm, with
the farmhouse being situated on a site now covered by the United
Reformed Church, Station Road, Portslade. The farmhouse was centrally
situated because the farm encompassed land holdings in Portslade as
well as in Aldrington. There was a Wish Barn and a
Wish Cottage too.
Hove’s Obligation
In the 1890s one of Hove’s obligations during
the process of the amalgamation of Aldrington with Hove, was to
acquire enough land to be made into a public recreation ground. It
was stipulated that the area must not be less than ten acres, and the
purchase price must not exceed £400 an acre.
In 1894 Hove Commissioners were prepared to pay in
the region of £10,000 but in the event it was a more modest cost.
They were offered 12 acres immediately west of Wish Meadow, and
opposite Wish Barn. The land cost £4,000 and was purchased from the
following people:
Richard Gibbs, 1 Victoria Mansions, Victoria
Street, Westminster
Elizabeth Ann Jenkinson, widow, of Christchurch
Street, Streatham, Surrey
William Wilberforce Jenkinson, land agent, 6
Moorgate Street, London
Joseph Moore, Faygate Sussex
Additional expenses were:
£1,050 – towards the cost of making up roads
east and west of the site
£100 – legal expenses and costs
These, together with the expenses of laying out
the recreation ground came to the grand total of just over £6,000.
Messrs Box & Turner supplied the 6 ft high oak paling fence at a
cost of £400. There were two gateways on the east and west sides,
near the south and north corners.
Delay in Opening
There was a five-year delay between the purchase
of the land and the opening of the recreation ground. The delay was
due to the terrible state of the ground caused by its previous use as
a brickfield – in addition there was also a hollow at the south
east corner that needed to be filled in. The first attempt at
levelling the ground and sowing grass seed, proved to be a dismal
failure. In 1897 the Borough Surveyor lamented that the surface was
so irregular and the grass so coarse that the only way forward was to
plough the whole lot up and start again. Mr Lewonski, who was a
prominent businessman in
George Street, offered to supply 150 loads of mould
at a cost of one shilling per load, and this was accepted. As the
Sussex Daily News put it ‘the soil had to be coaxed by all
possible means before grass would consent to grow’.
copyright ©
Royal Pavilion & Museums,
Brighton & Hove
James Warnes Howlett
‘Father of Hove’ |
A cultivated border was made on all sides and
planted with Cornish elms, shrubs and flowers. The
Sussex Daily
News wrote poetically ‘When the elms … are in full leaf …
there will be a fine belt of foliage all round the ground. Strollers
… will find the sea breezes very cool and enjoyable and a pleasant
view of the sea may also be had’.
There were four cricket pitches, which at first,
unrealistically, were free of charge, but by 1923 the charge was
three shillings per pitch per match. Head gardener, Mr W. Hammond,
kept the cricket pitches well rolled, and earned 27/- a week, while
his assistant earned one guinea plus extras.
In the winter, there were football pitches –
good ones too, and it seems good football pitches at Hove were a
rarity at the time.
Twelve seats were installed in the ground, plus a
supply of water, and Alderman Howlett said he would provide a
drinking fountain at his own expense. James Warnes Howlett
(1828-1911) earned the unofficial title of ‘Father of Hove’ for
his legal battle to keep independent of Brighton – he also laid the
foundation stone of
Hove Town Hall, as well as opening it, and his
name was engraved on one of the bells; he devised Hove’s motto
Floreat Hova too
A urinal, cleverly disguised as a rustic hut, was
built at the north east corner and cost the grand sum of £40. The
ladies were not so fortunate because a convenience for their use was
not installed until 1913. It was situated on the south side some 300
feet from Wish Road and it cost £85.
A galvanised iron building containing two dressing
rooms and a shelter was installed in 1900 and an addition dressing
room was built in 1910.
Grand Opening
copyright © J.Middleton
The men of Hove Fire Brigade (George Street Fire Station) were nimble
on their feet and often won prizes for their speed of deployment in
National Fire Brigade competitions. In this photograph two cups are on
display together with the Challenge Shield embellished with a
fireman's helmet on crossed firemen's axes. |
The day chosen for the grand formal opening was 24
May 1900 – Empire Day and Queen Victoria’s 81
birthday. An added bonus was that people were still in a state of
euphoria over the Relief of Mafeking. The streets were lined with
bunting, numerous Union Jacks were on display and ‘flags floated
from the windows at nearly every private house’.
The procession formed up outside Hove Town Hall,
and the festive feeling was enhanced by organist John Crapps playing
the carillons for a whole hour, and when he struck up with the
National Anthem at 2.30 p.m., the processions moved off.
Mounted police led the way, followed by the band
of the 1
st Sussex Volunteer Artillery. Then came the Mayor
and Mayoress of Hove in their carriage, followed by town councillors
and borough officials in their carriages. Men of Hove Volunteer Fire
Brigade from
George Street's Fire Station followed, together with their ‘manual and horsed escape,
the men presenting a very smart appearance’.
Captain Olliver was in
command, and he also marshalled the procession; Second Officer
Coombes, and Engineers Smith and Dumbrell accompanied them. Men
belonging to the Tunbridge Wells and South Eastern Counties Equitable
Friendly Society were part of the procession too – most of them
wore their regalia and brought along their banner as well. Finally,
came all the children, some 3,000 of them, from all the Board and
National Schools in Hove plus those from the Convent School in the
Upper Drive. The shops had closed their doors for the afternoon, and
consequently there was a huge crowd of people accompanying the
procession, and lining the route.
The opening ceremony was held at the east gate,
and the Mayoress, Mrs J. Colman, unlocked the gate with a silver key
made especially for the occasion. The silver key was beautifully
decorated with an inscription on one side, and the Hove coat of arms
enamelled in colours on the other side. The Mayor had gallantly paid
for the band, and purchased enough buns and oranges for every child.
He also provided swings and roundabouts and arranged for a hot air
balloon to make an ascent.
copyright © D. Colman The ceremonial key presented to the Mayoress Mrs Annie (Maple) Colman on the occasion of the opening of Aldrington Recreation Ground on 24 May 1900.
Jeremiah Colman (1853-1939) served as Mayor of
Hove for three years – his father being Edward Colman, one of the
original founders of the famous firm of J. & J. Colman, mustard
manufacturers of Norwich and London. Although his business career was
in London, he had a long association with Hove, having been a
schoolboy at a small establishment in Victoria Terrace.
A Hot Air Balloon
copyright © J. Middleton.
This view is one of the rarest postcards associated
with St Ann's Well; it also dates from the
time before it became a public park. |
The ascent of a hot air balloon was a major
attraction at the time, and there had been several ascents at
St Ann’s Well Gardens. Eustace Short was the man in charge of the hot
air balloon ascent at the opening of Aldrington Recreation Ground.
However, it turned out not to be such an exciting event after all.
Brothers Eustace and Oswald Short of Hove had purchased the balloon
at a sale some two years previously. It was therefore past its best,
and when the time came to inflate it, gas was leaking and it never
assumed its proper proportions.
The Sussex Daily News reported as follows:
‘Interest … centred on a balloon ascent, which
was made by Mr Eustace Short of Hove, the inflation – a rather
lengthy process – being watched with much curiosity. Would-be
passengers could not accompany the aeronaut, however, owing to the
balloon not being fully inflated. In fact the quantity of gas was
hardly sufficient to carry one person.’
The balloon managed to limp as far as Old Shoreham
Road, where it collapsed. Meanwhile, Eustace’s brother, Horace
Short, was watching the proceedings from a wooden balcony on the
Menlo Laboratories building when the railing gave way, flinging the
unfortunate Horace some 20 ft to the ground. He broke both arms and
was taken to Hove Hospital. Although these accidents sound like
something from a Laurel and Hardy film, the Short brothers went on to
great things. There were three brothers Horace (1872-1917) Eustace
(1875-1832) and Oswald (1883-1969) and today the brilliant brothers
are celebrated as pioneering aeronautical engineers
Horace Short came into contact with a fascinating
individual called Colonel George Edward Gouraud, who had French
antecedents but was born at Niagara Falls in around 1842. He was
described as ‘handsome, clever and genial … and splendidly built’
being 6 ft 1 in tall. Gouraud was associated with Thomas Edison,
becoming his benefactor, promoter and publicist, and Gouraud came
over to England as the London representative of the firm promoting
Edison’s telegraph inventions. Gouraud gave a demonstration to the
General Post Office – unfortunately, the first occasion was not a
success, despite Edison travelling over to back him up. It must have
been a depressing expedition for both of them; Gouraud fainted in a
tavern at Greenwich near the docks and Edison had to revive him with
generous amounts of gin. However, the situation improved, and Gouraud
became a complete and ardent Anglophile. He was also involved in
promoting electric street lighting and the phonograph, recording the
voices of such luminaries as Lord Tennyson, Gladstone and Queen
It was Gouraud who gave financial backing to
Horace Short to establish Menlo Laboratories at 2 Hove Park Villas,
and it seems he envisaged a factory turning out clever inventions.
(This site was later occupied by
Dubarry’s Perfumery). At first the
three Short brothers lived above the workshops, although Horace must
have found it too much because he later moved out to rooms of his own
copyright © J.Middleton
The Dubarry structure is an elegant industrial building
enhanced by the lovely mosaic work was built on the site of the former Menlo Laboratories |
An example of Gouraud’s Anglophile enthusiasm
can be seen in his promotion of ways to help the Boer War effort. He
had the novel idea of copying a side drum, borrowed from the
Coldstream Guards, and turning the ’drums’ into collecting boxes.
Oscar Short then decorated and hand-painted the ‘drums’ at Menlo
Laboratories. To add a suitable accolade to the ‘drums’ Gourard
prevailed upon his friend Rudyard Kipling to write a patriotic verse
to go on them. Charles S. Cox, an apprentice at Menlo at the time,
recounted this fascinating anecdote.
Although Horace had reservations about his
brothers’ enthusiasm for ballooning, and indeed he disapproved of
it, he did allow Eustace and Oswald to build their own balloon at
Menlo Laborartories, which was completed by April 1901, and was
capable of holding 38,000 cubic feet of gas. By 1902 Eustace and
Oswald felt confident enough to produce their first catalogue
advertising their skills at building flying machines, kites etc.
Oswald invented ‘an instrument for accurately measuring a motor
car’s speed and also an instrument for ascertaining the drift and
direction of a balloon in relation to the ground’. Incidentally,
the brothers ignored the fact of living in Hove because their letters
were headed by the legend ‘Factory and Laboratories, Brighton’.
While at Hove, Eustace worked on his project for a
high altitude balloon and in 1904 he and Oswald gave a joint lecture
on the subject to the Royal Aeronautical Society. It was stated that
this balloon could attain an altitude of 15 miles, and from this
splendid vantage point, scientific observations could be made. In
fact, during the First World War both sides used hot-air balloons for
observation purposes.
Meanwhile, Horace’s inventions at Hove in
collaboration with Gouraud, resulted in four patents. The Short
brothers’ residence at Hove lasted from 1900 to 1903, but then
Gouraud abruptly shut down Menlo Laboratories in 1903. He was
involved in a dispute about 2 Hove Park Villas, that resulted in a
case Small v Gourard in Brighton County Court in 1900 and perhaps
this was the reason. Gourard had a reputation for disagreements with
tradesmen, and he would sometimes refuse payment if he were not
satisfied with their work.
By 1906 the Short brothers were to be found hard
at work at Battersea, in fact arches 75 and 81 of the railway arches,
where a commemorative blue plaque to them was unveiled in 2013.
The Short Brothers became the first manufacturers
of aircraft, and it is still a name to be conjured with to this day
while Menlo Laboratories are well known in the United States.
Sport at Aldrington Rec
copyright © G.Osborne
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the reproduction of the above photograph.
The men of the St Leonard's Church Football Club played at Aldrington Recreation Park in the Brighton & Hove Football Association League
from 1901 to 1914. At the outbreak of the Great War these men were
enlisted in the Armed Forces
In the summer of 1900 it was decided that two lawn
tennis courts should be provided, and the players were to be charged
two pence an hour each. In 1908 two additional tennis courts were
added, with two more in 1913.
In 1913 a Miss Drummond wanted to know if she
might use a portion of the ground for archery practice. Not
surprisingly, Hove Council turned down her request, stating that it
was not a suitable place for such an activity.
In 1904 it was stated that two bowling greens
would be provided, and in the same year permission was given to the
Kingston and Hove Ladies’ Hockey Club to play on the ground. In
1920 a stoolball pitch was provided.
copyright ©
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
Hove Police & Fire Brigade sports day at Wish Park (Marine Park) 9 September 1908 |
In 1907 Mr W. Taylor of the Boundary Restaurant,
Boundary Road, Hove, ran the refreshments stall at Aldrington Rec; In
1915 Mrs Taylor requested a reduction in her rent of ten shillings a
year because there had been no football matches due to the war –
her request was granted. Mrs Taylor was still running the stall in
the 1920s but by 1928 it was Mr J. Harris of 8 St Leonard’s Road
who was in charge.
copyright © D.Sharp
The 1971 built Sports Pavilion and Cafe at the Wish Road end of the park. |
copyright ©
Royal Pavilion & Museums,
Brighton & Hove
Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt
(1877-1915) |
Today, there is a popular café, open from 10 a.m.
to 5.30 p.m.
In 1908 a sunshine recorder was installed in the
enclosed space containing meteorological instruments on the east
Horse Show – 1908
On 29 June 1908 a horse show was held at
Aldrington Rec.
Captain A.B.S. Fraser, Mayor of Hove, promoted the
event, together with his brother Major Campbell Fraser.
Alfred.G.Vanderbilt, the handsome American millionaire with a keen
appreciation of horses, provided a magnificent challenge cup, valued
at 50 guineas. Tragically, on 7 May 1915, Mr Vanderbilt drowned when
Lusitania went down, and although he could not swim, he
nobly insisted on giving his lifebelt to a young nurse, Alice
Middleton, who survived the disaster.
Walter Lloyd, of Olympic fame, had promised a
handsome silver cup to anyone who anyone who surpassed the record of
7 ft 2 in.
Motor Gymkhana – 1910
copyright © J.Middleton
Aldrington's Motor Gymkhana in 1910 |
On 29 June 1910 a motor gymkhana
was held
under the auspices of the Automobile Section of the Sussex Motor
Yacht Club. The secretary had assured Hove Council that there would
be no racing, and competitors would not be allowed to use steel
studded tyres. The council was assured that the event would be a
novel, amusing and entirely free from danger.
copyright ©
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove Brighton Herald 29 June 1910 Marine Park (Aldrington Recreation Park)
World’s First Air-freight - 1911
The world’s first air-freight took place on 4
July 1911 when a plane flew from Shoreham to Aldrington Rec carrying
a light cargo of Osram lamps for delivery to Page & Miles of
Western Road, Hove. The
Sussex Daily News described it thus:
‘Brighton and Hove people had the distinction of
witnessing what is believed to be the first time in the world’s
history that aerial transport has been accomplished, the flight
having been made yesterday evening from Shoreham to Hove.
Notwithstanding that a large number of people were disappointed at
the flight not taking place on Monday, which was due to the absence
of a searchlight arranged to be placed in Marine Park (Aldrington
Rec) to shew (sic) the aviator where he should land, hundreds
of people assembled in the park yesterday evening to watch the flight
and descent.’
copyright ©
Royal Pavilion & Museums,
Brighton & Hove
Page & Miles, District Factors for Osram Lamps |
Mr Barber of Hendon was the pilot, and the General
Electric Company of London arranged the flight. Mr Barber flew a
Valkyrie, type B, no. 5, monoplane. The Valkyrie, described as
powerful, ‘came along at a terrific rate, and at high altitude, and
when over the Park circled round beautifully, and swooped down like
an eagle’.
Amongst the waiting throng at Aldrington to greet
the hero was Mr H. Clifford Palmer of the General Electric Company,
the directors of Page & Miles, Mr W. Cocks, Chief Constable of
Hove, and Alderman Samuel Isger.
Mr Barber stated that when the plane landed, it
was travelling at 70 miles per hour. When the aircraft stopped, there
was a general rush of excited people waving autograph books, or
taking photographs of the historic event. Mr Barber said he had
presented the British government with four monoplanes, and his
recompense (£100) for the journey from Shoreham to Hove would be put
towards prizes to encourage aviation. The Osram lamps were loaded
into a truck from Page & Miles, and Mr Barber took off to return
to Shoreham, ‘disappearing in a blaze of sunset glory’.
At the end of July 1911, the same month in which
he made the flight from Shoreham to Hove, Barber achieved another
first – making the first passenger flight. The intrepid Violet
Trehawk Davies engaged his services to fly her from Hendon to
Brighton and back again. The journey was not without hazard, and
there were stops for refuelling, including a surprise landing at
Captain Horatio Claude Barber (1875-1964) was a
remarkable man who designed and built the Valkyrie, and the biplane
ASL Viking. Perhaps he should be known as the man with four ‘Firsts’
because he was also the proud possessor of an aeronautical degree,
the first man in Britain to earn one. Another Barber ‘first’ was
his venture into insurance policies as regarding passengers in his
aircraft. To the venerable firm of Lloyd’s this was indeed virgin
territory – in fact they had no expertise in such a new field, and
so they invited Barber to compose his own insurance policy. He later
became something of an expert in the subject. He must have been
motivated by a tragic accident in June 1911 when Walter Benson, a
pupil of his, was killed in a flying accident at Hendon.
It is also sad to relate that Barber had to
dissolve his own company – Aeronautical Syndicate – because he
was unable to find commercial success. However, nobody could take
away his years of experience in aeronautical matters and he came into
his own during the First World War. He served in the fledgling Royal
Flying Corps, which later became the RAF, and he ended up being in
charge of all the flying training conducted in England. He was busy
in Sussex too, and became an instructor at Shoreham, one of the first
to do so. Today, Barber is venerated as an Early Bird of Aviation
(cut-off point 17 December 1916).
Additional research by D. Sharp)
copyright ©
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
Although Horatio Barber made the World’s first recorded freight
flight landing in Aldrington, his aircraft was not the first to land in Hove, this was
achieved by Graham Gilmore two months earlier in May 1911, when he
flew from Shoreham Airport and landed his aircraft on Brunswick Lawns. |
War Allotments
Aldrington Rec did not fare too well during two
world wars. Apart from being used for drill purposes in the First
World War, by January 1918 it was decided to use 2½ acres on the
north side to create allotments in order to combat food shortages.
These allotments were not vacated until 20 December 1920.
During the Second World War, most of the ground
was utilised for allotments under the ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign.
copyright © D.Sharp
The sub-station and the north west corner of 'Wish Hills' (wild flower slopes) |
In 1925 it was decided to build a new sub-station
because of the increased consumption of electricity by people living
in Aldrington. The sub-station was to be built on the north west
corner, close to the fence, on a small piece of land measuring 17 ft
by 40 ft.
Plane Crash – 1917
The following extract from the Brighton &
Hove Gazette (23 May 1917) describes what happened on 22 May
‘A distressing tragedy of the air was witnessed
at Hove, yesterday evening, resulting in the death of two young
officers of the Royal Flying Corps. Shortly after 6 o’clock four
aeroplanes were seen high up near the western border of Hove, nearly
to Portslade. The evening was beautifully calm, with practically
ideal conditions for air tactics. Suddenly, two of the planes
collided. One fell a shapeless mass in Marine Park, the exact spot
being at the western end and towards the south west of the enclosure,
where the engine partially embedded itself in the fresh green turf;
while the other came down on the sands opposite Hove Seaside Villas,
a residential terrace of houses, which stands right on the foreshore.
Each machine had one occupant. The officer who was piloting that
which descended on the park was terribly injured and dead, but his
hands still grasped the steering wheel. Amongst the broken parts of
the other machine, its pilot also lay dead, having been
instantaneously killed. The dead officers were 2
Lieutenant William John Douglas Vince R.F.C. Special Reserve who
joined the Air Service in June 1916, and Temporary Lieutenant G.F.
Crapp R.F.C. whose service dated from July last year. For a little
while after the collision portions of the machines descended to earth
at various parts, a portion of the tail being found in the churchyard
St Leonard’s Church … Pieces were also picked up in Worcester
Villas and other places near.’
copyright © J.Middleton
The grave of 2nd Lieutenant Cyril
Frederick Crapp in St Leonard's churchyard Aldrington |
The gates of Aldrington Rec, were closed at once
to deter sightseers, and a policeman kept watch over the wreckage on
the beach. Lt Crapp was buried at
St Leonard’s Churchyard, near the
south west wall, and his name appears on the church’s beautifully
decorated parchment war memorial
Coronation Horse Show -1953
As part of the local celebrations for the
coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on 2 June 1953, a horse show was
held at Aldrington Rec on 6 June 1953.
There was some excitement when a frisky, dark
brown pony called Broompark Minerva broke away and dashed
towards Saxon Road, scattering spectators on the way. The horse
vaulted over a parked car belonging to Alderman V. R. Hudson,
shattering a head-lamp, and headed along New Church Road. The horse
was finally brought back to Aldrington Rec and went on to win 3rd
prize in the hackney class.
In 1971 a new sports pavilion was built on the
east side.
In October 1982 Hove councillors agreed to expend
some £160,000 on updating the sports pavilion on the Saxon Road
side. There would be four changing rooms with mobile walls that would
enable the space to become a large community room for weekday use.
There would also be more showers and lavatories.
The children’s play area was renovated and
re-opened on 21 July 1992.
A Quagmire
In the Argus (23 January 1999) a
letter-writer complained about the dreadful state of the football
pitches that had become quagmires after so much rain. It was claimed
that in the days when Hove Council was in charge, football would have
been suspended long before the ground reached such a dreadful state.
Community Garden
copyright © D.Sharp
The community garden and the Saxon Road Pavilion in the background |
Perhaps a memory of wartime use of the allotments
never went away entirely because in 2012 a community garden was set
up on the Saxon Road side. People grew organic fruit and vegetables
there. To the great delight of local children, a pond was also
created, and little ramp was installed for the special use of frogs.
Initially, there was only one frog, but now the pond is well
established with frogspawn laid in the spring.
Wish Hills
copyright © D.Sharp
'Wish Hills' at the Saxon Road end of the park |
This charming name has been given to two ‘little’
hills created in the spring of 2013. The idea was to replicate the
sort of soil conditions found in Downland grasslands, and relevant
wild flowers were planted with the hope butterflies would be
attracted. The scheme was funded by the National Lottery, Southern
Land Services, and the Friends of Wish Park.
The Elephant in the Room
copyright © Robert Jeeves of 'Step Back in Time'
Elephants were once an
integral part of any self-respecting Grand Parade (Hove 1915) |
There is a persistent story that an elephant from
a travelling circus died, and was buried in Aldrington Recreation
Ground. The story grows more popular with every passing year. But is
it a folk memory, an urban myth or a hard fact? So far no documentary
evidence has come to light, which is not to say that the event did
not happen.
copyright © D.Sharp
A circus elephant sculpture in the
children's play area of the park |
There were indeed travelling circuses that
regularly set up their big top at Hove. These were not small affairs
either, but world-famous outfits such as Buffalo Bill and his Wild
West Show in 1891, while Barnum & Bailey’s visited in 1898 and
1899. The 1898 circus had no less than 20 elephants, while the one in
1899 boasted of a majestic elephant that towered above the others.
There was also an unhappy event concerning Barnum
& Bailey’s circus in August 1898. The huge outfit travelled by
train from place to place, but there was a horrific snarl-up at Hove
Station when someone gave the wrong signal and two of Barnum &
Bailey’s trains collided, with three rail cars being so badly
damaged they had to be left behind for repairs. The newspapers
reported that there was no loss of life because the carriages were
not sleeping cars, but there was no mention of animals.
If an elephant were buried in Aldrington Rec, it
surely would have been some time between 1895 and 1899 and there was
certainly a large hollow in the south east corner, which could
possibly be big enough to dispose of an elephant. It is unlikely that
such a burial would be allowed once the grounds were open to the
public, especially remembering the trouble taken in creating a smooth
sward from a former brick-field.
This story has such resonance it inspired a new
piece of sculpture that was formally opened on 29 October 2016. It
cleverly depicts the arching ribs of an elephant – it is made of
glulam, which actually means pieces of glued and laminated timber and
it is valuable for such a project because it is light and can be
shaped. There were many people involved in this project ranging from
Threshold and Brighton firm Chalk Architects, to the Friends of Wish
Park and other local people. Children also played their part by
writing haiku-style poems about elephants and these were laser-etched
onto the wood of the shelter, some of which was re-claimed pier
copyright © D.Sharp
The 'elephant's rib' sculpture was design by Brighton architects Chalk Architecture. The City's Mayor, Pete West, officially opened the sculpture on
Saturday 29 October 2016 which is now known as 'Dino the
Elephant' following a naming competition. |
Some Events at Aldrington Recreation Ground
16 July 1900 – Hove Fire Brigade
Competition and Sports Day
1901 – On Summer Sundays the Christian
Workers’ Brass Band played sacred music between 7.15 p.m. and 8 15
p.m. But no collection was taken
31 August 1905 – Annual Sports Day of the
Hove Cabmen
29 June1908 – Horse Show
9 September 1908 – Hove Police and Hove
Fire Brigade Sports Day
29 June 1910 – Motor Gymkhana
4 July 1911 – World-wide first air
21 February 1912 – Football match in aid
of the Hove Dispensary between Hove bakers and Hove chimney sweeps
26 February 1913 – same as above
4 March 1913 – same as above
3 September 1913 – Baden Powell Scouts
Display and Torchlight Tattoo in aid of Hove Dispensary and the
Queen’s Nurses
November 1914 – Ground used for drill by
the 24th Divisional Artillery
December 1914 – Ground used by the 2nd
Sussex Cyclist Battalion every day except for Sundays
May 1915 – Sussex 1
st (Hove)
Volunteer Corps drilled between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
Lord John Sanger's August 1915 advert for his circus and menagerie at both Kingsway and Aldrington Recreation Park |
22 May 1917 – Plane crash
copyright © J.Middleton
A warm afternoon in July 2020 at Wish Park |
The Mural
2 October 2020 Peter Kyle, MP for Hove & Portslade, cut the
ribbon on a brilliant new mural designed to brighten up all our
lives. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions, the ceremony had
to be a very muted affair with only five of the artists and
organisers present, but it is hoped there will be a more extensive
celebration, particularly involving children, in 2021. The completed
mural is a triumph for local collaboration and it took two years from
the first inkling of the project to the final result. Even then, the
original design was amended so that a very relevant item could be
added to commemorate this year – a banner proclaiming Thank
You NHS.
copyright © D.Sharp The Mural - November 2020
Steven Gledhill was the man behind
the original concept, and he takes a great interest in this open
space by volunteering to help Gerald Flanagan, park-keeper, in
various duties. David Wicken, a Hove resident, created an on-line
fundraiser, which produced an astonishing £2,000. The scaffolding
the artists used, was donated. The artwork, which took four months to
paint, was created by Red Herring Studios, the Portslade-based artist
collective, and one member, Rebecca Angel, arranged a children’s
workshop to involve local youngsters in the creation.
copyright © D.Sharp The brick-built sub-station.
The site on which the mural is
painted is a brick-built sub-station, and naturally enough, the
permission of the owner had to be sought before anything could take
place. Thus Jeremy Wright, head of network operations for the
south-east, became involved. He said ‘It’s been really good …
lots of support from our side and from the park as well.’
design includes references to local legend and history, such as the
idea that a circus elephant was once buried in the grounds, but the
hot-air balloon ascent is an actual fact. The balloon has been
painted in bold red and white stripes, and nearby there is a smaller
balloon featuring three white fish on a red background, presumable
the ‘trademark’ of Red Herring Studios. (Argus
/ 3/10/20).
Brighton & Hove Gazette
Brighton Herald (8 July 1911)
Bruce G, 'The Life and Times of Colonel George Gouraud' from the Hillandale News 95 (April 1977)
Middleton J, Encyclopaedia of Hove and Portslade
Mr D. Colman
Hove Council Minute Books
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
Sussex Daily News
Copyright © J.Middleton 2018
page layout by D. Sharp.