Judy Middleton 2002 (revised 2021)
copyright © J.Middleton
In this view of the east side of First Avenue,
the fine ironwork balconies and railings are clear to see. |
The road was built on land that once belonged to
the Stanford Estate (a swathe of land stretching from Preston Manor
to the seafront at Hove), but from 1848 to 1871 this strip of land
formed the eastern boundary of
Brunswick Cricket Ground.
The land could not be utilised for building
purposes beforehand because the estate was in trust for the benefit
of child heiress Ellen Stanford whose father died in 1853. He
endeavoured to pass on his estate intact by making his daughter
tenant for life and a ward of court. Although done with the best of
intentions, these moves proved to be highly lucrative for the legal
Ellen Stanford celebrated her 21st
birthday on 9 November 1869 and thus became of age to manage her own
affairs. However, in order to get around the problem of not being
able to sell any land, an Act of Parliament was necessary – the
Stanford Estate Act being passed in 1871.
This Act led directly to the development of the
West Brighton Estate, which included First, Second, Third, Fourth,
and Grand Avenues. The naming of the roads probably followed the
American fashion and was thought to be right up-to-date.
Alternatively, there could be a more prosaic explanation – First
Avenue was simply marked ‘number one’ on the Stanford Estate map
regarding Hove.
On 8 August 1874 a deed was signed between the
following people:
Edward Stanford of Fishbourne (1st
Charles William Gordon of Newtimber (1st
Ellen Benett Stanford (2nd part)
Percy Mansfield Morris of The Hall, Uttoxeter (3rd
Marmaduke Robert Jeffreys of Brompton (3rd
Henry Arthur Fane of Howick Place, Middlesex (3rd
William Morris of 22 Abingdon Street, Westminster
(4th part)
The land in question was in First Avenue and
measured from north to south on the east side 198-ft 11-in, and from
north to south on the west side 203-ft 11-in. The land was for the
use of William Morris and he lost no time in selling off parcels of
The 1875 Directory noted that there were four
occupied houses in First Avenue, and eight unoccupied ones.
It is interesting to note the fluctuating fortunes
of First and Second Avenues. By 1880 there were ten occupied houses
in First Avenue, while in Second Avenue there were nineteen occupied
houses with more being built while in 1875 there had been just one
inhabited house.
By 1890 the roles had been reversed – First
Avenue boasted 31 inhabited houses, two furnished houses and two
empty houses, while Second Avenue had 21 occupied houses.
In August 1878 the south portion of First Avenue
(556-ft from the coast road) was declared a public highway, with the
rest of the road following suit in June 1881.
In May 1897 unfurnished houses in First Avenue
were being advertised for rent at £140 a year, while furnished
houses cost 4 guineas a week.
copyright © J.Middleton
This photograph shows the west side of First
Avenue, looking north from number 13. |
Most of First Avenue is occupied by high-density
housing conceived in grand Victorian style; most houses are
six-storey or five-storey edifices, which because of the spacious
basements do not feel overpowering. Whereas the
Brunswick Town area
was somewhat shoddily built with stuccoed facades, and the next major
development known as Cliftonville had smaller buildings, First Avenue
houses were solidly built of good quality brick, classified as white
brick, but in reality more of a pale, ochre colour – it was a very
popular material at Hove. Then there are the embellishments in
first-floor balconies and iron, black-painted railings leading up to
the front door – there is a fine sequence of these in numbers 34 to
54. In addition, there are a few examples of pleasing Victorian tiles
on the paths.
Like garages or car-parking spaces today, the mews
were an essential part of Victorian town planning. This was where the
horses, owned by well-to-do families living in First Avenue, were
stabled, and their carriages too. Above the stables were living
quarters for the grooms and stable workers, plus haylofts. Original
cobbles are still to be seen. First Avenue was broad enough to enable
a horse-drawn carriage to turn around in comfort. Today, the width is
difficult to discern with double-parking in the centre plus parking
on either side.
On the north-east side of First Avenue, the mews
is called St John’s Place and they were built of the same bricks,
and had slate roofs. Numbers 1 to 7 became listed buildings in 1992.
Originally, this mews was known as St John’s Mews. It still had
this name when Frederick William Whittingham of 7 St John’s Mews,
First Avenue, was granted a petroleum licence by Hove Council. This
allowed him to store 300 gallons in a tank sunk into the forecourt.
copyright © Royal Pavilion, Brighton and Hove
An advert from the Brighton Herald for May 29th 1911 |
The Victoria Wine Company later occupied the mews
buildings fronting First Avenue. Today, an independent children’s
bookstore called ‘The Book Nook’ has been in residence for some
years. It has been much commended for its original approach to
encouraging youngsters to develop a love of books. Contrary to public
opinion of the past, Hove is not exclusively occupied by retirees,
because there is a much younger demographic than used to be the case.
copyright © J.Middleton
The Book Nook in Third Avenue. |
The mews on the north-west side of First Avenue is
called Queen’s Place today although originally it was Queen’s
Mews. It has a cobbled yard and there was a large lamp suspended
between the properties. There are impressive gate piers with seven
bands of diamond-shaped mouldings and ball finials. This mews was
marked in an 1877 map and thus was in existence before the houses at
the north ends of First and Second Avenue were built. In May 1899 it
was noted that lamps in the mews would now be lit at public expense.
copyright © J.Middleton
These imposing pillars mark the entrance to
Queen’s Place, and beyond them customers of the Flour Pot Bakery
are sitting outside to enjoy the sunshine. |
In July 1928 the West Brighton Estate Company
stated they were willing to lease number 2 in the mews (that is the
ground floor plus the flat above) for fourteen years at a cost of £70
for the first three years, and thereafter to Hove Council for £75.
The garage was used to house one motorcar and two motorcycle
combinations belonging to Hove Police. Old habits die hard, and Hove
Police were still utilising the premises until the 1960s when the new
Police Station in Holland Road became operational. There was also a
petrol pump in the mews used by the police for their cars.
The south side of Queen’s Place acquired listing
building status in 1992.
In 2018 in the part of the mews complex fronting
First Avenue, there is a thriving café called the Flour Pot Bakery.
Further north from Queen’s Place, is a peculiar,
narrow passageway providing a back entrance for properties in Church
Road. It existed without a designated name for a long time but is now
called Church Road Lane.
Water Trough
In 1889 a water trough and drinking fountain was
installed in First Avenue but far from welcoming such an amenity, the
inhabitants petitioned Hove Commissioners for its removal. This was
authorised in May 1889 and the offending water trough was moved to
Hove Street and placed opposite the
Connaught Hotel.
A Resident’s Suicide
Lord Cecil Manners lived in First Avenue – he
was the third son of the 7th Duke of Marlborough. In
September 1896 he threw himself under a train at Crowborough Station.
A fully loaded six-chamber revolver was discovered on his body.
Second World War
On 14 June 1941 four high-explosive bombs were
dropped on First Avenue,
Western Road, Kingsway and
St John’s Road.
One person was killed and there was severe damage to properties, gas
mains, cables and sewers.
In the run-up to D-Day 6 June 1944, a line of
tanks occupied the middle of First Avenue.
In 1985 First Avenue became part of the
conservation area known as The Avenues.
New Houses
In November 1998 Karis Developments applied for
planning permission to build three new houses on land behind First
Avenue. Permission was granted in January 1999.
House Notes
copyright © J.Middleton
This view of the south side of 1 First Avenue
displays the conservatory on the first floor. |
Number 1 – On 1 October 1874 William
Morris sold a portion of land for £625 to John Thomas Chappell. The
land measured from north to south on the east side 49-ft 11-in, and
on the west side 54-ft 11-in, with the width being 103-ft 3-in. This
land abutted to 3 First Avenue on the north, and on the south to land
used as a lawn at the rear of houses in Queen’s Gardens.
copyright © J.Middleton
It is unusual to have the address on the
pillar. |
John Thomas Chappell was a well-known builder with
a London address at 149 Lupus Street, and he was responsible for the
construction of many fine houses at Hove. Indeed, he is said to have
built at least 120 of the 269 units in the West Brighton Estate (the
Avenues, and Grand Avenue). He also built Hove Hospital,
Hove Town Hall, Connaught Road Schools, Davigdor Road Schools, St Catherine’s
Lodge, and other houses in Kingsway.
John Thomas Chappell built this house and sold it
on 5 October 1874 for £7,500 to Helen and Mary Shelley, Brighton
spinsters. It seems the transaction was made before the house was
built, or at least finished. It also appears that the sisters paid
rather a steep price for the property because in 1886 the house was
sold for £5,500.
Since then of course, house prices have rocketed,
and there is also the fact that these erstwhile family residences
have long since been converted into flats. For example, in 2005 flat
4 of this property was on offer for £57,000 while in 2014 flat 5 in
the same property was for sale at £800,000.
copyright © J.Middleton
The Imperial Hotel now occupies numbers 1-10
First Avenue. Note the hanging sign for Tate’s Bar. |
Numbers 2 & 4 (later on 2-10) – The
building does not seem to have ever been occupied as a private
residence, and first appears in the Directory for 1908. It was
utilised as follows:
1908-1912 – The Imperial Ladies Club,
secretary in 1912, Comtesse M. Zolawolaska.
copyright © D. Sharp
These photographs from the Brighton Season Magazine of 1911, shows the Imperial Ladies Club's Card Room and left;- Miss Marie Charles, right:-
Miss Chantal Browne, two of the three Directors of the Club.
M. Zolawolaska Mus. Doc., took management of the club's music and literary
Members of the club had the privilege of using the private
lawns on the sea front for croquet and lawn tennis.
The Imperial Ladies Club attracted ‘the smart set’ and men were only allowed
associate membership.
1913-1925- The New Imperial Club, by 1917
the club also occupied 6A First Avenue
1927 – The New Imperial Hotel, ladies’
and gentlemen’s residential hotel, proprietor Mrs L. Hobbs
In the
Hotel Guise 1934-35 the hotel was
described as overlooking the sea while being quiet and sheltered.
There was hot and cold running water in all bedrooms as well as
central heating. There was a Billiard Room, an enlarged dining room
and a lounge. Terms were 4 guineas a week in the summer, and 3½
guineas in the winter. Mr and Mrs McNab were the proprietors; the
couple also ran the
Hotel Victoria on Brighton seafront. The
following year the McNabs were still in charge of the
and had added a sun lounge ‘enclosed by Vita glass’ and
artificial sun lamps. In addition there were Zotafoam and seawater
baths. Costs had risen, and the fees were now from 4 to 6 guineas in
the summer, and from 3½ to five guineas in the winter.
copyright © Royal Pavilion, Brighton and Hove
Jack Armfield Bindon (1910-1985) painted this unusual
view of Hove. He also painted murals that once
adorned the
ballroom in the Imperial Hotel. |
By 1951 Benn Hotels Ltd owned the
Hotel. In the same year, Hove artist Jack Armfield Bindon painted
some murals in the cream and gold ballroom. They depicted four nudes
– one of them 14-ft tall – with red and blue streamers and floral
decorations. Mr D.C. Benn, managing director, congratulated the
artist on his enterprise. Jack had a studio in Hove, and was a
versatile artist as well as being an excellent self-publicist by all
accounts. One beautiful example of his work is in the local
collection and depicts the church of
St John the Baptist in Hove from
an elevated viewpoint.
However, enquiries about the Imperial murals
in 1995 encountered a blank wall – nobody at the hotel had ever
heard about them, and certainly nobody knew what became of them.
Kim Baker owned the Imperial for five years
in the 1970s and Paul Krusin was the manager, and he stayed on when
the hotel changed hands.
In May 1980 it was announced that Harry Bloom’s
hotel consortium had purchased the
Imperial for an undisclosed
sum. Harry Bloom was also vice-chairman of Brighton & Hove
Albion, and his consortium owned
Langford’s Hotel, making
the company Hove’s largest hotel owners. Larry Duggan was the
managing director of the company, and he was the former general
manager of the
Metropole Hotel, Brighton. At the time of the
takeover, the
Imperial had 80 bedrooms and a staff of
twenty-five. There were plans to update the reception area, bar, and
conference rooms at a cost of £30,000.
On 27 July 1986 a gala Indian meal was staged at
the Imperial to mark the conclusion of Hove’s Festival of
India that started on 16 July. Paul Chapman, founder of the Curry
Club, prepared the meal featuring avocado Goan-style, Sri Lankan duck
curry, and lentil dishes. Around 120 people attended the event.
By 1987 ownership had changed again, and the
Imperial and Langford’s were sold for around £3.3
million. London businessman Nazir Hussein was the new owner of the
Imperial, and in September 1987 Gerard de Nervaux was the new
manager, replacing Jim Davie. It was stated that the priority was to
promote the restaurant called Secrets.
In August 1988 Hove Council insisted that the
decorative chimneys that had been partly demolished and altered
following the Great Gale of October 1987 must be restored to their
original state.
By the early 1990s John Goodchild owned the
Imperial, and he was also regional director of Logis, a large
group of hoteliers who prided themselves on high standards. The
Imperial re-opened in February 1992 after Paris Construction
had carried out an extensive refurbishment costing £2 million. The
76 bedrooms had been upgraded to include en suite facilities, and
there was new heating, ventilation and electrical services. The new
Hamilton’s Brasserie was enhanced by framed prints on the wall
chosen by John Goodchild. Tate’s Bar was named after legendary
Sussex cricketer Maurice Tate, while the walls were adorned with
photographs of other Sussex celebrities including Tommy Farr, Tommy
Sopwith, and sports commentator Alan Weeks. It was now claimed that
the Imperial was one of the finest three-star hotels on the
Sussex coast.
The Imperial also became the venue for
local activities such as the Imperial Bridge Club, while in 1992
Sotheby’s held consultations there every other month.
copyright © J.Middleton
It is well nigh impossible to take a
wide-ranging photograph of the Imperial Hotel without parked cars in
the foreground. |
By 1995 the hotel had changed hands yet again and
Wimpole Hotels were now the owners – they also owned the Birch
Hotel, Haywards Heath. The drawing room hosted a good selection
of mounted watercolours including Seascapes by John Snelling,
Bathing Scene at Brighton and Royal Pavilion by Rod
Pearce, and Landscape with Sunset Sky by Dean Shelley. A
beautiful frieze of scrolled leaves and flowers embellished the room,
while from a large ceiling rose hung a brass candelabrum-style
chandelier. There were spectacular drapes at the windows. Hamilton’s
Brasserie and Tate’s Bar were still there, and the hotel had five
conference rooms.
Number 7 – In 1918 Hove Council gave
planning permission for the property to be converted into two
copyright © J.Middleton
This photograph shows the sympathetic new
extension to Princes Court, 11 First Avenue |
Number 11 – Princes Court - In 1990
Meridian Homes restored and extended Princes Court and added a
three-floor extension on the north side, cleverly matching the style
and colour of the original building. The house’s most impressive
feature was the stained-glass ceiling at the top of the building.
After restoration, seven apartments were on offer, ranging from a
one-bedroom flat for £55,000, to a large maisonette for £250,000.
copyright © J.Middleton
The author Patrick Hamilton lived in this
house as a child,
and a blue plaque commemorating the association
be seen to the right of the front door. |
Number 12 – The author
Patrick Hamilton
(1904-1962) lived in this house as a boy with his parents, sister and
brother, and three or four servants, from around 1908 until the First
World War. He was not at all complimentary about his boyhood home
writing that the ‘grey, drab, tall treeless houses leading down to
King’s Gardens and the sea convey absolutely no social or
historical message to me. They are not even funny, or ostentatious,
or bizarre.’
One of Hamilton’s best-known novels is entitled
The West Pier. In June 1988 Jim Buttimer, Mayor of Hove,
unveiled a blue plaque on this house in honour of Patrick Hamilton –
it is somewhat ironic that although Hamilton had little time for
Hove, the town was pleased to commemorate his association with it.
Penguin Books sponsored the plaque. Today, the lettering is somewhat
Number 13 – Kensington Court – John
Thomas Chappell built this house. In the early 1960s Derek Francis,
business development manager of Worthing Symphony Orchestra,
purchased the first floor of Kensington Court and began restoring it
to its original splendour. The drawing room measured 21-ft and
boasted floor-to-ceiling doors opening onto a sun balcony, and there
was a marble fireplace; there was an elegant dining room with doors
leading to the original conservatory; which is visible from the
pavement on the south side – a unique feature; there were also
intricate mouldings on the ceilings in the bedrooms.
copyright © J.Middleton
The renowned Thomas Chappell built the
impressive Kensington Court, 13 Third Avenue. |
In 1991 Mr
Francis put the flat up for sale at a price of £169,000. This house
is different to others in First Avenue because there is an imposing
entrance on the south side of the house, and one can imagine
carriages sweeping up the forecourt.
Number 20 – In 1921 Hove Council gave
planning permission for this house to be converted into flats.
Number 21 – In 1922 Hove Council gave
planning permission for this house to be converted into flats.
Number 27 – In November 1895 the house
was sold for £2,750. From around 1947 the house became the First
Avenue Hotel. The original hotel of that name was situated on
Kingsway but in 1941 the building was badly damaged by bombs, and
moved to its new location afterwards. It was still trading as a hotel
in the 1950s.
Number 28 – In 1918 Hove Council gave
planning permission for the house to be converted into two
copyright © J.Middleton
2nd Lieutenant Baines
lived at
Kingsway House, 29 First Avenue. |
Number 29 – At the time of the First
World War the parents of 2
nd Lieutenant Frederick
Athelstan Fanshawe Baines (1896-1915) of the 4
th King’s
Royal Rifle Corps lived here. The young lieutenant’s military
career was heartbreakingly brief – he joined his battalion on the
front line on Sunday and by the following Tuesday he was dead. He was
killed during the Second Battles of Ypres, at Bellewaarde Wood. There
is a handsome memorial tablet to him in
All Saints Church, The Drive,
where he was baptised as a baby, and there is another memorial tablet
inside St Martin’s Church, Westmeston, as well as a stained glass
window, the parents having later moved to Westmeston.
When his old headmaster from Winchester College
heard about his death, he wrote to the bereaved parents as follows;
‘This is the saddest blow I have felt so far; he was such a
wholesome, honourable and attractive fellow, truly a white soul, if
ever there was one. Everyone one was admiring him when he stayed here
only thirteen days ago.’
copyright © J.Middleton
This beautiful marble memorial tablet to 2nd
Lieutenant Baines is to be found inside All Saints Church, Hove. |
The lieutenant’s father was Athelstan Arthur
Baines, a member of the legal firm of Fitzhugh, Woolley, Baines &
Woolley of 3 Pavilion Buildings, Brighton. The lieutenant’s mother,
Katherine Mary, was the daughter of Revd Frederick Fanshawe. Another
relative was Lieutenant Colonel Cuthbert Athelstan Baines who lived
at Medina Villas.
Number 30 – In 1921 Hove Council gave
planning permission for this house to be converted into flats.
copyright © J.Middleton
Prominent men once occupied numbers 35 and 37
First Avenue. |
Number 35 – Aaron David Sassoon
(1841-1907) lived in this house from 1883 until his death. He was a
younger brother of Arthur Sassoon (1840-1912) and Reuben Sassoon
(1835-1905) who both lived on Kingsway, Hove, with a large retinue of
servants and entertained royalty.
copyright © J.Middleton
The entrance to Hove Place Hotel.
Aaron died aged 65 on Sunday 6 May
1907 – it was known he had been in failing health for some time. A
train took his body to London and on Tuesday he was buried in the
Mile End Cemetery of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish Congregation.
The mourners included David Sassoon, Frederick Sassoon and Leopold de
Rothschild. The
Brighton Gazette commented that ‘local
charities lose a generous benefactor by Mr Sassoon’s death.’
Number 35/37 – Mrs M. Troubman ran a
boarding house here in the late 1930s, while in 1938 Leon Troubman
also ran his dental practice in the premises. In 1939 this was a
private Jewish Hotel run by J.H. Silberstein and in 1940 telegrams
could be despatched to the establishment with the address ‘Bracing,
By the end of the Second World War it had become Laker’s
Private Hotel, and by 1951 M. Lemberger was the proprietor; a sprung
dance floor was installed in the 1950s, by which time it had become
Hove Place Hotel. A unique feature is the extensive Italianate
garden at the back, which is well patronised by customers in the
summer. This garden must surely owe something to the taste of William
Benjamin Chamberlain, an expert on Italian art, who lived in number
37 and died in 1937.
copyright © J.Middleton
Dr Nathan Marcus Adler, Chief Rabbi,
once lived at
36 First Avenue.
Number 36 – Dr Nathan Marcus Adler
(1803-1890) Chief Rabbi of England and the British Empire lived in
this house, where he died on 21 January 1890. Dr Adler was born in
Hanover, the third son of the Chief Rabbi of that place. When living
in Hanover, Dr Adler was on friendly terms with Prince Adolphus, Duke
of Cambridge, and it is thought that the duke recommended his friend
for the post of Chief Rabbi in England, when the former incumbent,
Solomon Herschell, died in 1842.
There were fifteen candidates for
the position and Dr Adler made the short list of four men. On 9 July
1845 Dr Adler was instituted as Chief Rabbi. He took a great interest
in Jewish education, and became the first president of the Jews’
College, which he inaugurated. His advice on Jewish matters was
sought from all over the world, and he also visited provincial
synagogues. He wrote prayers, order of services, and scholarly works.
But he also turned his attention to the wider community, being a
founder of the NSPCC and inaugurating Hospital Sabbath when a
collection was taken in all synagogues for the benefit of local
Number 37 – William Benjamin Chamberlain,
who was born in Hastings, lived in this house for many years. He was
an authority on Italian art and he discovered in Assisi the earliest
authentic Italian painting then known – it was a painting of the
Virgin and Child dating from the second half of the 13th
century, probably painted by a Pisan artist working under Guinta
Pisano. Chamberlain purchased the painting and presented it to the
National Gallery.
Chamberlain also had his own art collection, which
included a work by Rembrandt. This painting once belonged to Ely
Cathedral, but Chamberlain picked it up in around 1877 for £100 at a
sale in
Palmeira Square. It was sold as depicting the head of William
Tell, but at Christie’s in 1938 the painting was identified as a
portrait of Rembrandt’s father as a warrior, painted c.1630, size
25½-in by 19¾-in. The painting was sold to Sir Edward Mountain for
£7,350, despite an army of Dutch dealers being present.
copyright © J.Middleton
W.B. Chamberlain was associated with Hove
Museum for some years. |
Other gems from Chamberlain’s collection were a
painting of a man fishing by Corot (sold in 1938 for 600 guineas) and
a river scene by J. van Goyen (sold in 1938 for 500 guineas).
Chamberlain was associated with Hove Museum from
its inception, and was also a member of the Fine Arts sub-committee
and the Hove Arts Collection Fund Association. It was stated that he
was ‘instrumental in selecting several of the association’s
rarest purchases, and has given a number of valuable paintings,
including a Ruisdale and a Marco Ricci, to the town.’
Chamberlain was an artist too, painting in oils,
watercolours and pastel. In 1936 there was a one-man exhibition of
his work at
Hove Museum; his subjects covered Florence, Venice, Rome,
Egypt, Ceylon, and India. Chamberlain died in 1937 and his collection
was sold the following year.
copyright © J.Middleton
A man with the impressive name of
Farquhar de Paravicini
lived at 54 First Avenue. |
Number 54 – Mr Harry Farquhar de
Paravicini J.P. (1859-1942) lived in this house in 1927. He was born
on 20 October 1859 and attended Harrow where he played cricket for
the Harrow XI in matches at Lord’s against teams from Eton in 1877
and 1878. It is interesting to note that one of his opponents at
Lord’s was his younger brother Percy de Paravicini (1862-1921) who
attended Eton, later going up to Trinity College, Cambridge where he
won blues for cricket and football. Percy became an amateur cricket
player and an international football player.
Meanwhile, Harry was a great supporter of Sussex
County Cricket Club. Harry’s wife, Lady Eva, (1869-1954) was also
sports-minded, and was a member of Brighton & Hove Ladies’ Golf
By November 1997 this house had been developed by
Hartwell Homes, the architects being Peter Taylor Associates; five
flats were put up for sale.
Ginette Bruce – She was an artist, best known for
her paintings of horses and other animals, but she was also a
surrealist painter. She had an international reputation and she had
exhibited her works in France, Belgium and the Netherlands, and
Britain. She married Robin Bruce Lockhart, the son of the famous Sir
Robert Bruce Lockhart. They ought to have been kindred spirits
because Robin was also a surrealist painter along with his other
interests, but the couple divorced in 1977 and Robin moved to a flat
in Adelaide Crescent. Ginette Bruce died at the age of 65 in March
1985 at her home in First Avenue.
Cannabis Farm
Argus (14/11/20)
carried the surprising report that a ‘significant cannabis
cultivation site’ had been discovered in a house in the lower part
of First Avenue that had once been an hotel. At the time of the
police raid several persons were observed fleeing from the premises,
and disappearing over adjoining garden walls. However, a 38-year old
man was arrested on suspicion of allowing the house to be used in the
production of a Class B drug. It was stated that some 2,500 plants
were distributed over several floors.
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
Middleton, J. Encyclopaedia of Hove and Portslade
Internet searches
Middleton, J. Hove and Portslade in the Great
The Keep
PAR 387/10/58 Stanford Estate land, 1852
Copyright © J.Middleton 2018
page layout by D. Sharp.