Judy Middleton 2002 (revised 2022)
copyright © J.Middleton
This view dates to around 1905. Without colour, it
looks somewhat austere, but note the width and emptiness of the road
Fourth Avenue was built on land that was once part
of the Stanford Estate. It might seem logical that the Avenues should
have been developed before the Cliftonville area immediately to the
west – seeing as Brunswick Town on the east side was the first
major development at Hove. But land belonging to the Stanford Estate
could not be built upon while the heiress, Ellen Stanford, was still
a child and trustees looked after her business affairs. (For more
details, please see under
First Avenue).
First, Second, Third and Fourth Avenue plus Grand
Avenue were part of the West Brighton Estate, Perhaps the developers
were hoping to exploit the cachet associated with Brighton, but
instead Brighton seized upon the name as a very good reason why Hove
should be amalgamated with Brighton. This idea was deeply resented by
Hove residents and Hove applied for a Charter of Incorporation
instead. Indeed, the resistance to joining with Brighton continued
until the 1990s when the majority of residents voted to remain
independent of Brighton. However, for whatever reasons, the
government decided to ignore the result, and the amalgamation went
Fourth Avenues was the last of the Avenues to be
developed. For example, in 1880 it was noted that houses were in the
process of being built at Fourth Avenue, while
Third Avenue already
had two occupied houses,
Second Avenue had nineteen occupied houses,
and at First Avenue there were ten inhabited houses plus some empty
By 1890 Fourth Avenue had overtaken Third Avenue
in the popularity stakes because there were nine occupied houses
compared to only five in Third Avenue.
In December 1889 Mr Woodruff congratulated the
town on the ‘acquisition of the two thoroughfares, known as Third
and Fourth Avenues’. But this did not mean that building work had
ceased – far from it. The pavement on the east side was not
completed until 1895 while the street was not declared a public
highway until 1903, and house building continued.
House Notes
Number 3
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Number 3
In 1916 Hove Council approved
plans submitted by Messrs Albery & Lawrence on behalf of
Mr F.
Mott Harrison to convert number 3 into three flats. Harrison
became a Hove councillor in 1917 and served for many years, being
made an Alderman in 1942.
Number 6 – In 1926 the West Brighton
Estate Co applied to Hove Council for planning permission to turn the
house into flats
Number 7 – In 1940 it was called Kent
House and Mrs Elliott Clark ran a hotel there.
Number 8 – In 1940 Mr and Mrs Drake ran
a private hotel in the house.
Number 9 – This was the last house in
Fourth Avenue to be converted into flats. Although planning
permission for the property to be converted into flats was granted in
1923, it was never acted upon and it was not until the 1980s that
local development company Millmanor Estates created seven one-bedroom
and two-bedroom flats with gas central heating. There were fitted
carpets, corniced ceilings, and luxury bathroom fittings. By May 1995
one two-bedroom flat remained at a price of £42,000, and there were
three one-bedroom flats available at £32,000.
Numbers 13 & 15 – In 1893 Hove
Council granted planning permission for plans submitted by Mr G.M.
Jay on behalf of the West Brighton Estate Co to build two
semi-detached villas on the east side.
Number 13 – 2
nd Lieutenant
Weare was educated at Uppingham, and later lived in this house, while
his parents lived in The Drive. He was only aged twenty when he was
killed on active service on 20 September 1917 at the Third Battle of
Ypres, A touching handwritten note on his service card stored at
Hove Library stated ‘He was never found, presumably blown to pieces’.
Numbers 17 & 19
copyright © J.Middleton
Numbers 17 & 19 Fourth Avenue provide
stunning examples of houses built in the ‘Arts & Crafts' style
that provided abundant interesting details such as gables, impressive
chimney-stacks, tile-hanging, and oriel windows |
In 1894 Hove
Council granted planning permission for plans submitted by Mr G.M.
Jay on behalf of the West Brighton Estate Co to build two houses.
Numbers 21 & 23- In 1894 Hove Council
gave planning permission for plans submitted by Mr M. Coxted on
behalf of the West Brighton Estate Co to build two semi-detached
Number 23
copyright © J.Middleton
Major General Arthur Kennedy Rideout, a veteran
of the Crimean War and the Indian Mutiny, lived in this suitably
impressive house |
copyright © D. Sharp
Major General Arthur Kennedy Rideout |
Major General Arthur Kennedy
Rideout (1835-1913) a veteran of the Crimean War, lived in this
house, having previously occupied premises at 50
The Drive in the
As for the Crimea, in 1854 Rideout embarked for Bulgaria and
the Crimea with the first siege train, and remained throughout the
conflict, being present at Inkerman and Sevastopol’ He served in
the trenches, and commanded batteries of mortars.
For his valiant
service he received a Mention in Despatches, the Crimean War medal
with two clasps, was appointed a knight of the Légion d’Honneur,
and was awarded a Turkish medal.
In 1856 he was employed in Turkey on
the telegraph staff but perhaps he missed Army life because the
following year he applied to join the Royal Horse Artillery and as a
consequence served during the Oude Campaign, and throughout the
Indian Mutiny of 1858-59.
Numbers 24 & 26 – In 1927 Hove
Council gave planning permission for plans submitted by Mr E.J. Love
on behalf of Mr D.S. Barclay to build a pair of semi-detached houses.
Numbers 25 & 27 – In 1895 Hove
Council gave planning permission for plans submitted by Mr G.M. Jay
on behalf of the West Brighton Estate Co to build a pair of
semi-detached villas.
Number 28
copyright © J.Middleton
Samuel Denman was the architect of Hove Club |
The edifice of
Hove Club is
surely the most impressive pile in Fourth Avenue. The architect was
Samuel Denman of 27 Queen’s Road, Brighton, and several tenders
were considered in July 1897 – the winning tender offered to build
the structure for £5,882.
A Mr Smith was a steward at Hove Club but he was
killed in the First World War. His mother, Mrs Minnie Smith of 78
Westbourne Street, Hove, wrote, ‘My dear son was a splendid fellow,
and was twice rejected as medically unfit at Chichester, but was
called, at Hove, when they were very short of men, and passed the
third time […] It has been a sad blow to me, the light of my life
has gone out because they passed him and he was quite unfit and his
last words to me were “Mother, whatever I go through I will stick
it to the last.”’
Number 35
copyright © J.Middleton
The Dowager Lady Queensbury and Lord Alfred
Douglas lived in this house for eight years. |
The Dowager Lady Queensbury and Lord Alfred Douglas lived in this house from 1927 to 1935. Lord Alfred Douglas (1879-1945) was very proud of his ancestry, being a direct descendant of the Douglas killed at Chevy Chase on his father’s side, and on his mother’s side he descended from the famous Percy family.
copyright © D.Sharp
Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas is buried with his Mother,
The Dowager Lady Queensbury
in the cemetery of the Franciscan Friary of
St Francis & St Anthony, Crawley |
He was a handsome man and a poet of some
distinction but unhappily for his reputation, he is chiefly
remembered today because of his association with Oscar Wilde. They
first met in 1891 when Douglas was aged 21 and Wilde was 37. Although
their relationship had disastrous consequences, Douglas always
maintained that Wilde’s best work was written when they were
In 1902 Douglas married Olive Custance to the fury of her
father Colonel Custance. Although they lived together happily for ten
years, it was pressure from the irate colonel that forced a
separation and he also tried to gain custody of their only child, a
son. In 1927 Lady Queensbury and Douglas moved to 35 Fourth Avenue,
which a recent biographer described unkindly as a rather dingy house.
While living in Fourth Avenue, two friends lent Douglas the use of a
large, quiet room in
Brunswick Square where he could write his
autobiography in peace – it was published in 1929.
On 19 May 1931 Mr M. Montgomery Hyde travelled
down to Brighton aboard the Brighton Belle to visit Douglas and
arrived at 1 o’clock. Hyde was given a glass of sherry on arrival,
and then partook of a meal that included smoked salmon, chicken,
meringues, wine and liqueurs. In 1935 Lady Queensbury was obliged to
sell the house in Fourth Avenue and move into a nursing home. Douglas
moved to
1 St Ann’s Court, Nizell’s Avenue, Hove, where today a
blue plaque commemorates his stay
Numbers 37, 39 & 41 – In 1897 Hove
Council gave planning permission for plans submitted by Mr M. Coxted
on behalf of the West Brighton Estate Co to build three houses.
Number 39
copyright © J.Middleton
This photograph features numbers 39 and 41
Fourth Avenue – during the Second World War number 41 was the HQ of
the 5th Brigade / Toronto Scottish. The playwright Sir
Arthur Wing Pinero once stayed at number 39. |
Sir Arthur Wing Pinero,
playwright, whose most famous play was The Second Mrs Tanqueray,
stayed in this house in November 1901.
Number 41 – During the Second World War,
this house served as the headquarters of the 5th Brigade /
Toronto Scottish.
Beaumont Mansions – A married couple with
a memorable surname – Kekewich – lived at number 3 Beaumont
Mansions around the time of the First World War. Lewis Pendarves
Kekewich was born in 1859, and on 2 October 1884 he married Lilian
Emily Hanbury. The Kekewichs had seven children, but sadly two
daughters died in childhood but they still had four sons and a
daughter. They lived an enviable life-style indulging in country
pursuits such as shooting and riding – Lilian was an excellent
horsewoman and was a Hunt member. In 1909 Kekewich purchased
Kidbrooke Park, Forest Row, Sussex, but sold it in 1916.
copyright © D.Sharp
The three Kekewich brothers are commemorated on
war memorial brass tablets at Hove Library |
The Kekewichs suffered terribly during the war
because three sons were killed on active service, while the fourth
returned home badly wounded and only fit for a desk job. The first
loss was Captain John Kekewich of the Buffs who died near Loos on 25
September 1915. He need not have been there because he had once been
a planter in the Malay States but returned home to do his duty.
Captain George Kekewich, City of London Yeomanry, was serving in
Palestine when he died on 28 October 1917, from wounds received the
previous day at the Gaza Front. Nine days later, the eldest son,
Captain Hanbury Lewis Kekewich, who had served seven years in the
Sussex Yeomanry, and was also in Palestine, was killed in action near
Sheria on 6 November 1917.
These three men are commemorated on the
brass tablets of the war memorial in the vestibule of
Hove Library.
copyright © J. Middleton
The names of 619 Hove men who died in the Great War are listed on the memorial brass tablets in the vestibule of Hove Library |
In poignant memory of her great losses, Lilian
Kekewich made several donations of her precious pearls towards the
British Red Cross Pearl Appeal, instituted by Lady Northcliffe and
publicised in her husband’s newspapers. The idea was to invite
donations of pearls to be made into a necklace and put up for auction
– the money to be used for the care of the war-wounded. The idea
caught on, and far from a single strand of pearls, by the time the
appeal ended there were enough pearls to form 41 necklaces, besides
brooches and tie-pins.
Fourth Avenue Mansions
copyright © J.Middleton
A colourful display of flowers greet visitors
to Fourth Avenue Mansions (Middleton) Place under Fourth Avenue
Mansions |
Hove Council
used these premises for some years as overflow council offices. By
the 1990s the council had decided to sell its share of the property
to the Sanctuary Housing Association and the council also provided a
grant of £130,000. The Housing Corporation provided £369,113 and
there was funding from the private sector too. The property was then
converted into fifteen homes – that is ten two-bedroom flats and
five one-bedroom flats. On 19 October 2000 the project was formally
Margot Bryant (1897-1988)
copyright © National Library of Australia Margot Bryant Australian Women's Weekly 5 August 196 |
She was born in Hull, the daughter
of a doctor, and she and her sister were educated at home. Her real
name was Mary Margaret Bryant but Margot Bryant was her stage name.
She was a petite lady, being only 5-ft 3-in tall, and it is difficult
to imagine that she started off her career in the chorus line, before
graduating to comedies. Her most famous role was as Minnie Caldwell
in TV’s Coronation
Street, and
she was part of the show from 1960 to 1976. In the early days the
three friends – Minnie Caldwell, Ena Sharples and Martha Longhurst
used to dominate the snug in the Rover’s
Return. Bryant
lived in Fourth Avenue, but she had to commute from Hove to
Manchester where Coronation
Street was
filmed. During those years she formed a very low opinion of the
delights to be experienced with British Rail.
Bryant’s real character bore no
resemblance to the sweet old lady Minnie Caldwell. Bryant dressed
elegantly, and enjoyed wearing jewellery, but at times her language
could be very colourful. She could not stand inefficiency, and wary
shop assistants were known to dive for cover when they saw her
approaching. On one occasion she was so disgusted to be served with
cold coffee and a stale bun that she shot off a letter of complaint
to Sir Charles Forte, and received a reply by return post.
She was a great friend of
celebrity vet, Buster Lloyd-Jones, who also lived at Hove. There were
many house-plants in her home, and somewhat like Prince Charles, she
was in the habit of talking to them. Buster found it hilarious when
she bent down and addressed a plant in a broad, northern accent ‘eh,
cumon, rubber plant, stop sulking and grow.’She was also very fond
of cats, and whenever she saw one when she was out and about, she
would talk to it in a language of her own devising.
She continued to play the part of
Minnie Caldwell until she began to experience difficulty in
remembering her lines. Although she stuck the lines on the back of
her trusty handbag, she soon realised it was time to call it a day.
is a strange coincidence that another stalwart of the ‘soaps’
also had a Hove connection. She was Hilda Braid (1929-2007) and she
died in a nursing home in Walsingham Road; her role was Nana Moon in
Eastenders, and
she appeared in over 200 episodes.
Zelda Wallis (1914-2006)
– She was celebrated in her time but is almost forgotten today. She
lived in Fourth Avenue from around 2002, and died at the venerable
age of 91. She was born plain Mavis Webb, but in fact was anything
but plain in appearance, being regarded as a natural beauty with a
fine body and classical features. It is remarkable she went on to
have such a successful career because she had to overcome the
disadvantage of being born with a cleft palate, which led to a speech
defect, and of course was a handicap when seeking employment.
However, she was an excellent dancer, and by the age of twelve she
was a professional, performing in the choruses of the Royal Opera
House, Royal Albert Hall and the London Palladium. The other string
to her bow was as an artist’s model, and she posed naked for Henry
Moore, as well as being associated with other artists such as Arthur
Rackham and Mervyn Peake. In the essential book Human
Anatomy for Art Students there
were many photographs of Zelda.
contact with Henry Moore no doubt inspired her interest in sculpture,
and she became a fine sculptor in her own right; the Royal Academy of
Art was happy to accept some of her work to place on display. Zelda
moved to the Brighton area in 1959 and for ten years posed as a model
for Brighton School of Art, but during the course of her career she
was associated with 26 other schools of art. She also married Roy
Wallis. She spent her final days at The Pines, Furze Hill, Hove.
- In October 1898 the surveyor stated that Albany Mews was 130-ft in
length running west from Fourth Avenue, and thence turning south for
a distance of 240-ft, making a total of 370-ft. The Mews contained
seven sets of stabling, all occupied. The West Brighton Estate
Company had installed and lighted a lamp at the north end, and if
they were to put a lamp at the south end, Hove Council would pay for
the gas consumed.
In 1928 John James, motor garage
keeper, was given a licence by Hove Council to store 500 gallons of
petroleum in a cylindrical steel tank sunk 2-ft underground. This
tank was to be sunk either in the open back yard attached to 106
Church Road, or in Albany Mews itself in an open piece of ground at
the discretion of the West Brighton Estate Company.
In the 1940s the Mews still bore
marks of its equine past. For example, at 6 Albany Mews, a stout
wooden beam still protruded from above the attic. This was an
essential piece of equipment used to haul up hay and straw for the
horses and stored in the loft. When required, the groom would open up
a locked trap-door in the loft and drop down a bale or two as
required, There was a fixed ladder inside the house for access to the
loft. Then again, although the horses were gone, and garages
prevailed, nobody had bothered to remove the iron bars across the
windows installed to guard that valuable asset – the horse.
Maisner Centre for Eating Disorders – In
1981 Pauletta Maisner founded this clinic in Fourth Avenue but in
1994 the business went bankrupt.
Debbie and Eddie Shapiro – In October
1999 it was stated that the two authors had recently moved to Fourth
Avenue, having decided on the move after doing a book-signing at
Borders in Churchill Square. He is American and she is English and
they specialize in writing about stress-free living, their latest
book being Voices from the Heart.
Street Directories
Hyde, H. Montgomery Lord Alfred Douglas (1984)
Middleton, J. Encyclopaedia of Hove and Portslade
Murray, Douglas, Bosie. Life of Lord Alfred
Douglas (2000)
National Portrait Gallery, London
Trethewey, Rachel Pearls Before Poppies (2018)
Copyright © J.Middleton 2018
page layout by D.Sharp